Fourty-Four: School

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~Collin's P.O.V.~
"Collin, it's time to get up," Aeryn says turning the light on in my room. I open my eyes and am immediately blinded by the piercing light. I groan.
"I know you don't want to go, but you have to," Aeryn says. "And Austin will be there."
I groan again and get up out of the warm bed. Aeryn walks out and closes the door behind her. I pick out my clothes, get dressed, then head into the kitchen. I eat breakfast quickly then pack my backpack full of pens, notebooks, and anything else I think I might need. There's a knock at the door. I open it and Austin stands there.
"I told Aeryn I'd come get you today just to walk to the bus stop together so you know where it is," Austin says. I nod.

"So, this is where we'll get on the bus in the morning," Austin says. I nod. A couple other kids stand there, eyeing me. I just ignore them and continue talking to Austin until the bus shows up. Austin sits in the very back single seat. I decide to sit in front of him.
"That's my seat," a girl says walking up to me. I look up at her and not wanting conflict, I move to an empty seat, at the front of the bus. I sigh and put my headphones in and just listen to music.
It's not that I'm not used to being the weird, bullied kid, I am, but now I have at least one friend and I can't even sit near them to not look like such a loser.

We arrive at school and everyone crowds around the door trying to get into the school. I finally get in and am pushed into a wall by a herd of kids. I accidentally drop my backpack and it gets stepped on a few times. I sigh and pick it up. I walk into the office. The nice old lady sits at the desk.
"Collin," she says with a nice smile. I smile at her. "I have your schedule right here."
"Thanks," I say quietly. I take the schedule and see my locker number on it. I scurry out the door and go on a search for my locker.
When I finally find my locker I see a girl in the locker next to it. She's wearing a maroon beanie, a plain black t-shirt, and maroon skinny jeans. I open the locker next to hers. She looks up from what she's doing and gives me a small smile. I set my stuff in my locker and sigh.
"You're new?" she asks.
"How'd you guess?" I ask sarcastically. She chuckles.
"No one's had that locker in a year, last kid that had it got bullied so much he left the school," she says. "The locker must be cursed. I saw you having a rough time this morning."
"Yeah. I'd rather be homeschooled, but Aeryn wouldn't let me take online classes," I say.
"Who's Aeryn?" she asks.
"My adoptive mom," I say shutting my locker. She just nods.
"I'm Lylah by the way," she says closing her locker.
"Collin," I reply. I look down at my schedule.
"Can I see your schedule?" she asks. I hand it to her. "Oh cool, we have all the same classes."
"Cool, at least I'll sort of know someone in all of my classes," I say.
"Collin!" Austin shouts walking toward me.
"What?" I ask once he gets close enough to me.
"Let me see your schedule," he says. Lylah hands it to him. "Dude."
"What?" I ask again.
"We don't have any classes together. We don't even have the same lunch time," he says. "That blows."
"That sucks," I say taking my schedule from him. "I'll have Lylah in all of my classes though."
"Uh, yeah. Great," Austin says awkwardly. Does he not like her? Austin checks his phone for the time.
"We've got fifteen minutes until first hour starts, want me to show you around?" Austin asks.
"Uh, sure," I say. Austin grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Lylah.
"Dude, stay away from Lylah Peloski. She's bad news," Austin says.
"What? She's really nice," I defend.
"No, man, she's known for smoking and hanging around with all the skater kids and if you hang around with her you'll be dubbed as a "skater" kid too. Those kids are avoided by everyone else," Austin says.
"So?" I ask. "Lylah's nice and I don't want labels to stop me from talking to her."
"Dude, trust me, she's bad news," Austin says. "Hang out with me and my friends." I sigh. We walk over to two other boys and a girl. The two boys are identical except for their clothes. One is wearing a Superman t-shirt and the other is wearing a Batman t-shirt. The one with the Superman shirt wears glasses and the other doesn't. The girl wears a hoodie with a saying on it in another language. She reads her book and doesn't even look up as Austin and I walk up to the group.
"Guys this is Collin," he says when we walk up to them.
"I'm Maddox," the boy with the Superman shirt says standing up. He sticks his hand out to me. I shake it. "This is my brother Drew." I nod once at Drew and he nods back. The girl just continues reading, not acknowledging me. Austin clears his throat. She looks up at him.
"Oh, uh, I'm Vivianna, but just call me Viv," she says robotically. "Happy?" she asks Austin. Austin sighs, she goes back to reading.
The bell rings and I head back to my locker. Lylah stands there. She smiles at me and clutches her books to her chest.
"Want me to walk you to class?" She asks sweetly.
"Uh, yeah, that'd be cool," I say. Grabbing a notebook and a pen out of my locker. We walk into the science classroom. I sit next to Lylah at the back of the classroom.
"I see we have a new student. I'm Mr. Peterson," the teacher says. I sigh. I was hoping he wouldn't draw attention. "What's your name?"
"Collin," I answer quietly.
"What's you last name, boy?"
"Zardari-Foxworth," I say. He nods.
"Well, come get a book and we'll get started with class," he says. I get up and walk between the rows. The next thing I know, I'm on the floor and kids are laughing. I look up and two mean looking boys are laughing at me.
"Did you have a nice fall?" one asks. I sigh and pick myself up and continue my walk to the front. I grab the book from Mr. Peterson and walk back to my desk not getting tripped a second time.
"That was not cool," Lylah comments.
"I know, but you'll learn that I'm not cool," I say.
"No. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about how Landon and Henry decided to trip you," she growls.
"It's okay. I'm the new kid. It'll be over once everyone gets used to me," I say. "I've had worse anyway."
"You were bullied before?"
"Ms. Peloski, Mr. Zardari, do you have something to share with the class?" Mr. Peterson asks setting his hands on our desks.
"No," I say. "Nothing."
"Mhmm," he says walking back up to the front of the classroom.

I set my backpack on the floor next to the door once I get home. Aeryn and Matt are in the kitchen. Aeryn chops vegetables at the table in her wheelchair and Matt is cooking something on the stove. Aeryn looks up from chopping the vegetables and smiles.
"How was your first day?" she asks happily.
"Eh," I say. "It wasn't too bad. I mean, I had to sit at the front of the bus nowhere near Austin, I got tripped in science class, and at lunch some kid threw a pudding cup at me," I say showing her the shirt under my sweatshirt. It's stained brown right in the middle trailing down to the bottom.
"Oh, I can get that out," Aeryn says. "Did you make any new friends?"
"I met some of Austin's friends, Drew, Maddox, and Vivianna. They're pretty cool, but I met another girl that's in all of my classes. Her names Lylah," I say. Aeryn smirks. "I don't have a crush on her."
"Suuure," Aeryn says going back to chopping her vegetables. I chuckle and walk into my room grabbing my backpack on the way and throwing it onto the bed. I sit at my desk and spin in the chair thinking about the day.

"Collin, dinner!" Matt calls down the hall. I walk out and sit down at the table. Matt, Aeryn, and I talk about our days and Aeryn says she has something to show me after dinner.

"Alright," Aeryn says opening her laptop after dinner. I see the comments of the video Aeryn and I recorded explaining how I was adopted by her and Matt.
"All the comments were super supportive," Aeryn says handing me the laptop. I scroll through them seeing people saying that they were jealous and stuff like that. Others were girls, and some guys, saying how cute I was.
"Looks like Collin has some fangirls," Aeryn says. I hear Matt laugh from the kitchen. I chuckle and continue reading through comments.

I walk into my bedroom that night sleepily. I was already in pajamas so I just flop down on my bed.
"Good night, Collin," I hear Aeryn say from the door way.
"Night, mom," I say. I realize what I said and immediately sit up. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Collin, it's okay, call me what you're comfortable with," Aeryn says. She starts closing the door. "Good night."
"Night, mom," I say more confidently. I flop back down on my bed and fall asleep.

A/N: This story has over 2,000 reads! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who read it, comment, vote, and all that stuff. I really appreciate it and I seriously can't thank you enough! I just want to show you how grateful I am for all of you!

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