Thirty-Four: Prank War

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"Hey, Aeryn?" Matt asks from the doorway of my office. I turn around in my chair and set my book down on my desk.
"Yeah, Matt?" I ask.
"Have you looked at your channel lately?" he asks.
"I uploaded a video earlier, but I didn't "check" my channel," I say using air quotes.
"Well, you should," he says. I look at him suspiciously then turn toward my computer. I check my channel.
"10,000 subscribers," I say. "10,000 subscribers!" I hug Matt. He stays as still as a statue until I let go. Oh, yeah. We're not as close as we used to be since he got amnesia...
"Well, uh, I should be getting back to work," Matt says awkwardly. I nod and sit back down at my desk. I decide to make a video to thank my subscribers for everything and that I'd be nothing without them.

"Hey, Aeryn!" Wes yells for me. I peek out of my office. He throws a water balloon at me. It hits me in the face, soaking my shirt and hair.
"Goddammit, Wes!"I yell. He laughs and runs away. I run after him. I can't catch up to him. Damn, his long legs. He's finally trapped in the recording room.
"There's no where to go, Wesley," I say deviously. "I think someone wants a hug.
"No!" he shrieks dramatically. "Anything but that!"
"Too late," I say hugging him. He squirms, but I just hug him harder. I release him after a minute. His shirt is a bit wet. I laugh.
"This means war."

I sit in Wes's office with a pie in my hand.
"Wes! Help!" I shriek like I'm in danger. He runs in.
"What, Aeryn?! What happ-" I throw the pie at him. It hits him square in the face. The platter fall to the floor with a clang. He rubs the pie from his eyes.
"Meanie," Wes says.
"Wesie," I say. He just smiles and shakes his head.
"I'm going to clean up," He says.
"Have fun!" I call after him.

"Hey, Aeryn, come here!" Wes shouts.
"Nah. I'm good," I say sitting at my desk continuing playing games on my computer. Wes walks into my office.
"No. It's not a prank, Aer," Wes says.
"You promise you're not going to prank me?" I ask like a little kid.
"I promise."
"Pinky promise?" I ask holding out my pinky.
"Pinky promise," he says grabbing my pinky with his. I get up from my desk. Wes leads me to the recording room.
"There's a big spider in here and I want you to get it," Wes says.
"Fine. Ya big baby," I say with a laugh. I walk into the recording room with Wes.
"Where is it?" I ask. I turn around to look at Wes, but scream when I see the Bonnie suit.
"You ass!" I shout. They take off the head of the suit and Lasercorn stands there laughing.
"Why'd you help Wes?" I ask faking anger.
"Because that was hilarious," Lasercorn sing-songs.
"This means war for you too, buddy," I say. "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little Wes too!"
Lasercorn laughs. I turn to Wes who came back into the room.
"You said you weren't going to prank me," I say.
"I didn't. Lasercorn did," he says.
I run out of the room and to my office. I think about a prank for both of them. I take the nerf gun out of my desk. (don't ask) Maybe I'll just shoot them when they're least expecting it.

Wes and Lasercorn are filming for their new series Cell Outs. This is the best time to get them with the nerf gun. They have to hang upside down and play a game. Perfect.
I walk into the recording room silently with two of my nerf guns in hand. I hide them behind my back and wait for Lasercorn's turn. He hangs upside down and I get into the frame and start shooting him.
"No no! You're messing me up!" He shouts.
"That's what you get for helping Wes prank me, traitor!" I yell. He just laughs. I hear Wes laughing. I shoot him a few times too. He laughs.
"Hi, guys," I say to the camera. "Bye guys!" I get out of the frame and walk back into my office.

Joven walks into my office a bit later. He sits down in a chair next to me.
"You're having a prank war with Wes and Lasercorn?" he asks.
"Yeah," I say simply as if it's no big deal.
"Dude, you're going to lose if they're teamed up together," he states.
"Yeah. Probably, but I'll still get them back," I say.
"You want a team mate?" he asks.
"You want to be partners," I say cautiously. He just nods.
"Alright fine, but if you prank me even once, I'll get you," I threaten with a laugh. He just fakes looking scared and raises his hands up.
"I won't," he says.

Joven and I run down the hall after pranking Lasercorn and Wes. They chase after us and I run as fast as my legs will carry me. I can feel that Wes is catching up to us. I glance behind me for just a second. I run into someone and we fall to the floor. I'm on top of Matt.
"Oh, uh, sorry," I say. "I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine," Matt says. Wes and Lasercorn catch up to me. Wes picks me up off the floor. Joven stops at the end of the hall. Wes throws me over his shoulder.
"Go, Joven! Run!" I shout dramatically.
"Lasercorn go get Joven and bring him to my quarters," Wes orders in a kingly voice. Lasercorn salutes and runs after Joven. Matt follows behind me and Wes. I look at him.
'Help' I mouth to him. He smirks and shakes his head. 'Traitor' I mouth. He just smiles innocently.
"Let me down, Wes," I say.
"Why would I do that? I thought you didn't like walking?"
"I definitely don't like being carried like this," I say.
"How about like this then?" he asks holding me bridal style instead. I put my arms around Wes's neck so if he decides to drop me he'll fall too. I glance back at Matt and I see a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Maybe he'd remember me if I make him really jealous...

A/N: Merry Christmas, guys! Or whatever you celebrate! I hope y'all had a good day and had a good time with your families and friends. I hope you all had a wonderful day!

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