Chapter Fourteen: Love is Strange

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"How about we come inside?" Carter asks. I nod and open the door wider. Carter pushes Sohinki in. Carter motions to the couch with the knife.
"Sit," he orders. We rush over to the couch and sit as he instructed.
He sits on the love seat. Sohinki looks over at Carter, terrified. Carter looks at me.
"Ryn, will you get me a beer?" Carter asks sweetly.
"We-we don't have any," I stutter. He takes a deep breath.
"That's okay," he says through clenched teeth.
"Why are you here, Carter?" I ask politely.
"You're coming back to Michigan with me," he replies.
"What?" Sohinki asks.
"She's coming back to Michigan with me," He says to Sohinki.
"She lives here now," Sohinki says.
"No. She still lives in Michigan. We're still together!" Carter yells.
"I broke up with you, Carter," I say softly standing up.
"No. We're still together, Aeryn!" he exclaims standing up as well.
"No we aren't!" I scream. He takes the knife and slices it across my cheek. I hold my cheek a back down on the couch next to Sohinki. I pull my hand away and my blood covers it.
"Cone back with me, Ryn," Carter says. I shake my head. Carter pulls Matt off the couch. Matt looks terrified, but he doesn't fight him knowing he'd lose if he did.
"You're coming home with me, Aeryn. You wouldn't want your friend getting hurt, would you?"
I shake my head. "No, don't hurt him."
"Pack your shit," he orders. He follows me to my room. I start packing all of my stuff. I hear police sirens. Matt must have called the police.
"No. No," he says. He runs into the living room.
"You idiot!" he exclaims. He stabs Sohinki in the stomach. Matt falls to the ground. Carter runs out of the house.
"Sohinki!" I exclaim. I pull his head into my lap.
"You're going to be okay. I promise. You'll be okay," I say frantically. Tears fall from my eyes.
"Aeryn," Sohinki whispers. "I'm in love with you."
"Matt," I say, using his real name. I caress his cheek. "Don't fall asleep. You have to stay awake."
"You used my real name," he says with a weak smile. The police rush in.
"We need the paramedics!" one of them shouts.
"Carson, Dane go look for the captor!" the cop shouts.
The paramedics take Matt and put him in the ambulance. I get into the ambulance and we ride to the hospital. They immediately start surgery on Matt. I call all of our friends and tell him what's happening.
They give me a band aid for the cut in my cheek. I sit down in the waiting room and call Ian.
"Are you okay?" Ian asks worriedly.
"I'm fine. It's just Matt. Carter stabbed him," I say. "He's in surgery right now."
"Since when do you call him Matt? Nevermind... We should come home," Ian says.
"No," I protest. "You can't disappoint all of your fans."
"You sure, Aer?" he asks.
"Yeah. You can't let down all of your fans."
"Alright, Aeryn, keep me updated," he says. "See you in a couple days."
"See you," I say. I hang up and burst into tears. My head starts hurting. I pull my knees up to my chest and cry until I'm out of tears.

"Are you with Mr. Sohinki?"the doctor asks me. I nod. "He's asking for you."
I get up and rush to his room. I pull up a chair and sit next to his bed. I grab his hand.
"I'm so glad you're okay," I say. He smiles.
"I'm glad you're okay," he says.
"You shouldn't be worried about me. You're the one that got stabbed," I say.
"Let's not talk about that," he says.
"I'm just glad you're okay. You had me so worried."
"When can I get out of here?" Matt asks.
"Not for awhile. Take it easy, Matt, you just had surgery," I say.
"Since when did you start using my real name?" he asks.
"Since you got stabbed. I realized I never even said your real name. I always called you Sohinki," I say. He nods. "Do you remember what you said to me before the paramedics came and got you?" He shakes his head.
"What did I say?" He asks.
"Nothing. Just forget I said anything," I say. He grabs my hand with both of his now.
"What did I say?" He asks.
"You told me..." I pause wondering if I should tell him or not. He looks at me beckoning me to tell him. "You told me you loved me."

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