Thirty-Seven: Aerynthony?

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"You idjit! Give it back!" I yell at Wes as he laughs, holding my phone out of my reach.
"Keep away!" Wes yells childishly, throwing my phone to Lasercorn. Lasercorn holds it over his head. I run over to him and jump up trying to grab my phone from his grasp. Matt continues to play video games on his XBox One, not paying attention to us.
"Matt, heads up!" Lasercorn shouts. Matt pauses his game and stands up from the couch in his apartment. He catches my phone and holds it above his head as the other boys had. I run over to him and tackle him onto the couch. I sit on his lap and grab my phone from his grip. I smirk at him as his face turns red. I kiss his cheek and he turns his head a bit to make it a mouth kiss.
"Get a room!" Lasercorn shouts.
"We have one, this is my apartment," Matt says with a laugh and pecks me on the lips. Lasercorn makes a gagging noise and Wes pretends to puke.
"Oh shut up you two," I say getting off Matt's lap with my phone in hand. I sit at the counter in the kitchen. I answer the text that popped up on my screen from Anthony.
Are you free tonight? I mean, I know you had the day off and all, but you aren't home right now...
"What did Anthony send you?" Wes asks curiously trying to grab my phone again. I swat his hand away and text Anthony back.
I'm at Matt's right now. Why? What's up?
"Aeryn, what'd he say?" Matt asks protectively. He stands up from the couch and walks over to me.
"He, uh, just asked where I was. You know Anthony, always protective," I say awkwardly. Matt nods and backs down slightly. My phone vibrates.
I was wondering if you wanted to hang out..? I mean, we don't have to...
It'll be fun. What'd you have in mind?
Maybe we could go to that new coffee shop downtown, then maybe the mall?
Sounds like a plan. I'll be home in a few.
"Well, I should be going guys. I mean, we all did spend the night here last night and Ian's probably worried," I say grabbing my stuff.
"See you later!" I call walking out the door.
"Bye!" Lasercorn and Wes call after me. Matt walks me to the door. He opens it for me.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" he says.
"Yeah. Bright and early at work," I say with a nod. He smiles and kisses my forehead. I walk out the door. I get in my car and go back home.
Anthony sits on the couch and Ian's no where to be seen. Anthony stands up and smiles at me.
"I'm a mess. I should shower and stuff before we leave. I wasn't planning on spending the night at Matt's last night," I state.
"Just you and Matt?" Anthony asks.
"No, it was me, Lasercorn, Wes, and Matt," I say. He nods. "Oh god. I didn't realize how much worse that sounds." Anthony laughs.

"What do you want to drink?" Anthony asks once we get inside the new coffee shop downtown. I shrug.
"Black coffee is fine," I say. He nods.
"What can I getcha?" the girl behind the counter asks chewing her gum quite visibly.
"A medium black coffee and a medium french vanilla cappuccino," Anthony says. She nods. He hands her a twenty dollar bill before she even says the total. He gets the change and we walk out.
"How about we just walk to the mall? It's not that far from here," I say. He agrees and we walk a few blocks to the mall.

"Oh my god," I say holding up a small Foxy plush from Five Nights at Freddy's. I had been obsessed with the games since they came out and I enjoyed them while the rest of Smosh Games despised them. "He's so cute!" Anthony chuckles at my childishness.
"Well, how about I buy it for you," he offers.
"Oh, no, I couldn't let you do that," I say. "I was just saying how cute he is."
"No. I insist. You like it so much," he says.
"Aeryn, just let me do something nice for you," he says. I sigh and nod.
"Fine, but if I get you a present one day don't be surprised," I say. He smiles down at me and grabs the Foxy plush from my hands. He brings it up to the cash register and has the girl cashier ring it up. Her nametag reads Paige. She looks up at me and her eyes widen.
"You're the Aerynator or just Aeryn on Smosh Games!" she says excitedly. "And you're Anthony from Smosh!"
"Yup," I say popping the 'p' and smiling at the guy.
"Will you guys sign this?" she asks holding up a piece of paper. I smile and nod signing the paper. Anthony does the same.
"So, are you two a couple?" she asks. I shake my head.
"Nope," I say.
"Pretty soon," Anthony mumbles.
We talk to her for another couple of minutes until people start getting in line behind us.
"Alright, we should be going," I say.
"Bye!" Paige calls after us, then helping the next person in line.
Anthony and I walk back to his car. I set the plastic bag on my lap.
"How about we go home and have a movie night?" I suggest.
"Sounds like fun," he says.
"Instead of movies we can watch Supernatural!" I yell excitedly. Anthony rolls his eyes playfully.
"You love Supernatural more than anything don't you?" he asks.
"Definitely," I laugh.

"I mean Castiel's blue eyes are mesmerising and he's so funny. He's definitely my favorite character," I say. "I don't know why you like Dean so much."
"Dean is the typical bad boy and he's hilarious with all of his references to other shows, movies, and other culture," Anthony says.
"Well, Cas is so clueless about everything it's hilarious and he takes everything literally. That's what makes him the best character," I say laughing.
"Whatever you say, Aeryn," Anthony says. I lean my head on the back of the couch and continue to watch the show. I got Anthony hooked on it now and he can't stop watching, even though he won't admit he likes it. I hug the Foxy plush to my chest and start to fall asleep. I lie down, and lie my head in Anthony's lap. I fall asleep quickly.

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