Thirty-Nine: Surprise!

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~Three months later~
"And I'll see you guys, in the next video," I say to the camera then shut it off. I finish recording a video for my channel and decide not to edit it right now.
I walk into the recording room and see that no one's in here.
"Weird," I mumble under my breath.
I check all the offices and even the break room. No body. I decide to text Matt.
Dude, where are you? No one else is at SGHQ either...
No reply. I text David.
Dave, where are you? Matt's not answering my texts.
No reply. I text Anthony.
Ant? Where is everyone? There's no one at SGHQ and I'm really worried. No one's answering my texts either.
Still nothing, but I get a text from Ian.
Come home.
"Come home?" I ask aloud. I shrug and leave Smosh Games. I get into my car and drive home. I'm really nervous. One, because what if something terrible happened. Or two, what if this is a huge prank.

I pull into the driveway and see no other cars. Okay, weird. I get out and walk up to the front door. I brace myself for something terrible. I take a deep breath and open the door. It's completely dark inside, but it's the middle of the day.
"Hello?" I call. I reach for the light switch right next to the door. I flip it on and everyone jumps out.
"Surprise!" they all shout.
"What?" I ask. "What is this?"
"Aeryn, today is your birthday," Ian says. "You forgot didn't you?"
"I didn't forget, but I was hoping you did," I say quietly.
"What? Why?" he asks. I shrug.
"I just don't really like my birthday. It's not anything special," I say. Matt walks over to me and grabs my hand.
"Well, we're celebrating whether you like it or not," he says with a reassuring smile. I sit on the couch with Matt to my left and Flora to my right. Joven sits next to Flora. Austin sits on the floor by the coffee table. Wes and Mari sit on the smaller couch. Ian and Anthony are sitting at the dining room table with Lasercorn and Flitz.
There are presents sitting on the coffee table and a cake sits on the dining room table.
"You guys shouldn't have," I say.
"That's what you do for family," Lasercorn says. "I mean, we are all one giant, dysfunctional family."
"Yeah," I laugh. "I guess we are."
"Alright, well, who wants cake?"
"Me!" Wes and Mari shout at the same time. Everyone laughs. Ian lights the candles on the cake and everyone sings happy birthday.
I cut the cake and pass a piece to everyone. Matt puts some frosting on his finger and puts it on my nose.
"Oh you wanna be like that?"I ask challengingly. He nods with a devious smile. I grab some frosting a smash it onto his face. He laughs and grabs some cake smashing it onto my face. I do the same. We both stop and look at everyone else. They laugh at us.
"Get cleaned up, love birds, then Aeryn can open presents," Ian says. Matt kisses the frosting off my nose.
"Ew!" Austin exclaims.
"Get a room," Lasercorn jokes.
"Get over it," I say to them with a laugh.

Once Matt and I got cleaned up, Matt and I sat down on the couch together as everyone gathered around.
"You guys shouldn't have gotten me anything," I say.
"Aeryn, just open your presents," Joven laughs.
I got a Freddy plush from Joven, Flora, and Austin. I got a Supernatural phone case from Wes and Lasercorn. Ian and Anthony got me a Polaroid camera. Flitz gave me one of his hats that I said I liked a while back, it looks like Dipper's from Gravity Falls. Mari got me an anti possession charm like the ones from Supernatural.
"You guys really didn't have to," I say. "But thank you."
There are choruses of 'no problems' and 'you're welcomes'. Matt grabs my hand.
"Wanna go for a walk?" he asks.
"I mean, sure, but won't it be weird us leaving in the middle of the party?" I ask.
"I think they'll understand," he says standing up. I stand up as well. He leads me outside and we walk down the side walk. The street lights glisten and light up Matt's face as we walk under them.
"Why did you want to take a walk?" I ask. "Not that I mind taking a walk, just you and me."
"I have something to ask you," he states.
"Matt, I-"
"No. No. No. Aeryn, it's not that," He says.
"Then what is it?" I ask. He pulls out a wrapped box and hands it to me.
"Matt you didn't have to-"
"Just open it," He says. I rip the wrapping paper and throw it in the trash can as we walk by. I open the small box. A key with the Superman symbol sits inside.
"A key?" I ask stopping and looking at him. He stops too.
"I want you to move in with me," He says.
"Okay," I say.
"Wait, really?" he asks. I nod.
"Duh, dummy," I say lightly punching him in the arm. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I dunno," he says quietly. "Maybe you like living with Ian and Anthony."
"But I'll probably like living with you more," I say quietly.
"I think so," He says wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. I close the box and wrap my arms around his neck. This birthday was perfect.

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