Chapter Five: Filming With Sohinki

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"I'm home," I say walking into the house. Ian and Anthony are sitting on the couch watching a movie. I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water.
"Hey, Aeryn, come watch this movie with us," Ian says. I sit on the large couch and watch with them.
"So, Aeryn, what'd you do all day?" Ian asks after the movie is finished.
"Not much. I just walked around and then sat at the park," I say without mentioning Sohinki. If I did, I'd probably never hear the end of it. After the movie is over, I decide to go to bed. I say goodnight to the boys and head to my bedroom. I put on pajamas and crawl into bed.
The next morning, my phone rings loudly. I get up and unplug it.
"Hello?" I ask still tired. I look at the clock. 10:37.
"Hey, Aeryn," Sohinki says happily from the other end.
"What's up?" I ask sitting back down on the bed.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come film a video with me at Smosh Games HQ," he says.
"Oh, uh, yeah sure. I'll ask Ian for a ride," I say.
"Don't bother Ian. I'll come pick you up," he offers.
"Oh okay. I'll see you then," I say.
I get up and get dressed in black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt with Charizard on it. I walk into the bathroom with my straightener. I straighten my hair and leave it down. I write Ian and Anthony a note telling them where I'll be today. I sit on the couch and watch Supernatural until Sohinki shows up.
I hear a knocking at the door. I slip my shoes on and open the door. I put my phone and money in my pocket.
"Ready?" Sohinki asks. I nod. He opens the car door for me.
"Oh, uh, thank you," I say, my face heating up. He smiles and gets in on the other side.
We sit in silence for most of the ride, the only noise being the radio. He pulls into the parking garage. We get out and walk into SGHQ.
"You ready to film?" he asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be. What are we doing in your video?" I ask.
"Some fans have been asking me to do a Q&A, so that's what we're doing," he says.
"I asked earlier on Twitter for questions for you and me," he says.
"People don't know who I am," I say.
"Yeah they do. I introduced you in that one Grand Theft Smosh video remember?" he asks. I nod.
"Wait," I say. "You guys left that in?" He nods. He looks down at his phone.
"Wow, lots of questions," he says. "Alright, let's do this."

"Hey guys, I'm Sohinki and this is my friend Aeryn," he starts. "Today, we're doing a Q&A."
"Are Smosh Games going to VidCon this year?" Sohinki reads. He looks up at the camera. "He'll yes. We are. Watch out." I laugh.
"This question is for Aeryn. Are you dating any of the Smosh Games guys?" I read aloud.
"No. I got here a few days ago and I'm only staying for a couple weeks," I say. Sohinki looks slightly sad when I say that.
"Oh, Aeryn," Sohinki sings deviously. Oh no, I forgot about the bet. That's why he wanted me to film with him.
"What?" I ask knowing what's going to happen.
"Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran," he says. I sing the parts I know and pretty much just failing the entire song. Sohinki laughs at my failure.
"It's not fair! I don't know that song very well!" I defend my terrible singing.
Sohinki explains the bet to the camera, does his outro, and shuts the camera off.
Sohinki starts to edit the video, so I walk into the main room. I see a long haired man sitting at a computer. He turns and looks at me.
"Who are you?" he asks taking his headphones off.
"Oh, I'm Aeryn, Ian's cousin," I say.
"I'm Wes," he says standing up. He holds out his hand to shake. I shake it. Lasercorn and Joven walk in.
"Hey, Aeryn," Lasercorn says walking to his desk. Joven says a quick hello and walks to his desk quickly. What's up with him? I sit next to Lasercorn and watch him play Minecraft.
"You want to play?" he asks. I nod my head excitedly.
"You can use Sohinki's computer. I'm sure he won't mind," he says. I sit at Sohinki's computer and log into Minecraft. I log onto the same server as Lasercorn. I dig a hole in the ground and put a chest full of Sohinki's important stuff in it. I laugh. Lasercorn looks at my screen.
"What are you laughing about?" he asks.
"I hid Sohinki's stuff," I say deviously. He laughs and continues to do whatever it was he was doing before.
I find Lasercorn and we work together to rebuild Lasercornia. He told me about how Sohinki burned it down.
"You have earned my trust. You can stay in Lasercornia," he says like a king would. I laugh.
"You should film Maricraft with us today," Lasercorn says. I nod.
"Sounds like fun," I say. I stop playing Minecraft for now and walk back to where Sohinki is editing.
I walk behind him and grab his shoulders.
"Boo," I say. He doesn't react. He just turns around and looks at me.
"Really, Aeryn?" he asks. I nod and sit next to him. He smiles and continues editing. I yawn. I start to fall asleep. I'll just take a quick power nap. I start to doze off. Not even realizing it, my head finds its way to Sohinki's shoulder. I quickly fall asleep.

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