Thirty: Taking Down Carter

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I open the door to the building and see people cowering on the ground. I see Carter standing there holding a gun. A few bodies scatter the floor. I look around in horror, but compose myself.
"Aeryn," Carter says happily, waving his gun around.
"Hi, Carter," I say quietly. He walks over to me and hugs me. I feel the gun press to my back. I tense slightly, but not enough for him to notice. I spot Matt sitting in a corner. His face is all bruised and there's blood dripping from his forehead. He's gripping his right hand and blood is all over it.
"I'm here now," I say. "Will you let everyone else go?"
"Fine," he says releasing me. He waves his gun around again. "Get out of here!"
People scramble to the door and walk out. Some are bloody and bruised, others are just shaken up about the whole situation. They all quickly file out of the lobby. Matt stumbles toward the door. Carter pushes him and he hits the wall.
"You're staying here, lover boy," Carter says. Matt slides down the wall in pain. I don't say anything in fear that if I do Carter would kill him.
"Aeryn, go sit at the desk," Carter orders softly. I walk over behind the desk and sit at the black office chair. I watch as Carter beats Matt senseless. Silent tears trail down my face.
Once Carter knocks Matt unconscious, he comes over to me. He puts the gun down on the counter and gives me another hug.
"You didn't really want to testify against me did you?" he asks.
"No," I lie. "I-I didn't."
I pretend to scratch my back, but I'm actually checking to see if I've still have my gun. I pull my shirt over it to conceal it better. I look over at Matt and see that he's waking up, he picks his head up.
'No,' I mouth to him. He lies his he'd back on the ground and closes his eyes. Carter releases me from his hug. I hear a shuffling in the back room.
"Mayeb we should get out of here," Carter says.
"How?" I ask. If I get the chance, I'm running for it with Matt.
"The back door," He says. I see the cops standing outside through the glass door on the front of the building. I look back at Carter.
"Yeah," I say. "Let's go out the back."
Carter turns around. I wave my hand as if to signal 'come in now'. I walk to the back with Carter. There are police back there, pointing their guns at him. Carter pushes past me and tries to run out the front. I turn and see more police pointing there guns at him. He tries to grab me. I pull my gun and point it at him.
"Don't even think about it," I say. I pace around him. He tries to snatch his gun off the counter. I grab it and slip it into my belt before he can grab it.
"I don't think so," I say to him, continuing to point my gun at him. Officer Brievy handcuffs him.
"Carter Argos, you're under arrest for holding hostages, abuse, and just being downright batshit crazy," Officer Brievy says. He drags Carter out of the building and stuffs him into a police car. I run over to Matt.
"Matt," I say softly. "Matt."
"Aeryn," he croaks out.
"Get the paramedics! He needs help!" I shout.
"On it!" officer Charleston says running out the door. A minute later a couple paramedics come in with a guerny. They put Matt on it and bring him to the ambulance.
"Did you want to come with, miss?" the paramedic asks.
"No," Matt says. "Other people need your help. I'll... Be fine."
"Alright," I say. "I'll stay here and help others, but I'll be at the hospital asap."

I sit down next to two young girls. They have blankets around them.
"Are you alright?" I ask them softly.
"We are now that you saved us," one of the girls says sniffling.
"I just did what was right," I say shrugging.
"Where's you mother?" I ask them.
"She's over there talking to the police," they point to her. I stand up and walk over to her. Officer Charleston is questioning her. I tap her on the shoulder.
"Maybe you should go to your girls," I say gesturing to the young girls with my thumb. She nods. She walks away and I look at Officer Charleston.
"Maybe you should become a police officer," he says.
"Why would I become a police officer?" I ask.
"Because what you did in there was amazing. You handled it really well and I feel like you've got the potential," he says.
"I don't know," I say unsure. "It was just my adrenaline pumping."
"I think you've got potential, kid," he says. I laugh.
"I don't know," I say again. "I should be going. I have to check on my boyfriend at the hospital."
"Just think about it. I'll give you my number, so call me telling me your decision," he says putting a piece of paper in my hand.
"Okay," I sigh. He smiles. "I should get going to the hospital," I say. He waves and I get into my car and head to the hospital. Matt, I hope you're okay...

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