Thirty-Two: Please Remember

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I spent the first few days of Matt's stay in the hospital trying to get him to remember me and a lot of other things he couldn't quite remember. Matt usually just stayed silent as I told stories of things that happened. He remembers basically everything but me. He remembers Rosanna and how horrible she was, but he doesn't remember me being the reason they broke up.

Now I sit in my office editing a GTS for next week. Matt should be getting discharged from the hospital today. Lasercorn is going to pick him up and bring him to the office.
I look up from the computer and over to the door. Matt's leaning on the door frame and looking down at me.
"Oh, uh, hi," I say awkwardly.
"Lasercorn told me all about how you were moping around all week," he says.
"Oh yeah?" I ask.
"Was it because I can't remember?" he asks quietly.
"Well... Kinda," I mumble. "I mean, you remember everyone else but me."
"The doctor told me the possible reason for that," he says. "If Carter was beating me up because of you my mind decided to block all of that our completely, including you."
"Well, I guess that makes sense, but did he say anything about you getting your memory back?"
"He said I'll get it back, but it might take a while. He also said that things could trigger memories," Matt explains. "When I told this to Lasercorn, he seemed to have that crazed look in his eyes when he has an idea."
I laugh. "Yeah, I know that look. I wonder what he was planning."
"I dunno," Matt shrugs. He sits down on the chair next to me. "Will you show me more pictures that could help me get my memory of you back?"
"Sure," I reply opening my pictures up on my computer. I find the album that's titled 'Smosh Games Crew :P'. I turn the slideshow on and let the pictures go across the screen. Some of them are from my camera or my phone, but some are pictures I've never even seen before. They're pictures of Matt and I on our date. Flora must have taken pictures not just that video of Matt and I walking along the beach. There's one of Matt and I laughing together, me helping Joven up after he tripped, and Matt looking at me like I was the world while I stared at the ocean. I smile at the pictures. Matt just stares at the screen.
" I wish I remembered," he says. "I really do." He shuts his eyes seeming to be thinking extremely hard.
"Hey, don't strain yourself. It's fine. You'll get your memory back eventually," I say putting a hand on his knee. He looks down at my hand and smiles.
"How did I ever score you?" He asks.
"Well, technically you didn't "score" me. Not quite. We weren't officially dating yet," I say. He nods.
"When I get my memory back I'll change that," he says standing up.
"I should go. Wes, Joven, and Mari wanted to record," he says walking out.
"Have fun!" I call after him. I turn to my computer and continue editing Grand Theft Smosh.

"Hey, Aeryn! Come here!" Lasercorn calls from down the hall. I sigh and walk into the recording room.
"Yeah?" I ask. Lasercorn, Matt, Joven, Wes, and Mari are standing in front of the huge tv with Just Dance on the screen.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"We're going to have you and Matt redo your duet you did in Game Bang. Lasercorn thinks it'll help Matt remember," Joven says. I nod.
"Its worth a shot, I guess. You're okay with this Matt?" I ask. He nods a little too enthusiastically.
"Yeah. I'm on board. I just want to remember," he says.
We do the dance as we had before. At the end, he picks me up again like he had done before. He sets me on the ground again, but doesn't dip me or kiss me this time. I look at the ground disappointed.
"Well, uh," Mari says noticing the awkwardness that he hadn't kissed me like he had before. "Do you remember?"
"No," Matt mumbles sadly. "Why can't I remember?!" He throws his arms up in exasperation.
"Matt, calm down," I say lightly touching his arm. "It's okay. It'll come to you."
"I want to remember now though! I just want you to be happy, okay? I hate seeing you mope around the office and knowing that it's my fault that you're sad," he says.
"It's not your fault," I say. "You can't help that you can't remember."
"Yeah, Matt, it'll come to you," Joven steps in. I hear the door behind me open.
"David, you were supposed to take me shopping!"
I turn and see Rosanna standing there, hand on her hip. She twirls her hair with the other hand and chews her gum loudly.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," Lasercorn says.
"Well, come on. I don't have all daayyy!" she says glaring at me then walking out. Her heels click after her. I sigh.
"I feel bad for you, man," I say to Lasercorn.
"Yeah, me too," he says slouching and walking out the door.
"That was Rosanna. Wasn't it?" Matt asks. I nod. "Yeah, we dated for... A week or two?"
"Yeah," I say. "Unfortunately."

"I'm home!" I shout walking in the front door. Ian and Anthony are no where to be seen. I spot a note on the table and pick it up.
Filming. We'll be back later. -I&A
I set the note back on the table and dump my laptop onto the table next to it. I walk into the kitchen and start making tacos. I sing along to the music playing from my bluetooth speaker.
"Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great," I sing stirring the taco meat. There's a knock on the door. I walk over and open it. Joven and Flora stand there. Joven's arm is around her waist and she's smiling.
"Oh, hey guys," I say.

"Sorry I haven't hung out with you more while you be been here," I say to Flora taking a bite of my taco. She shakes her head.
"It's fine, Aer, you're going through some stuff right now with Matt. It doesn't matter I've been hanging out with Josh," she says taking a bite of her taco. Doesn't Joven hate being called Josh?
"Well, I still feel bad," I say. "So is Flovenshire canon yet?"
"Flovenshire?" they both ask in unison.
"That's the shipping name I gave you two. Would you prefer Jora, maybe Jovera?"
"Flovenshire is good," Joven says looking at Flora for approval as well. She nods.
"The Flovenshire it is!" I say. "So you two are dating..?"
"Yeah," Flora giggles. "We have been."
"You have been?!" I shout excitedly. "And you didn't tell me!"
"Well, you already had so much going on that-"
"I've always got time to talk boys with you, Flor," I say. She laughs.
"Of course you do," she says amused.
"What are you two going to do when you have to go back to Michigan?" I ask.
"I'm going back there to get my little brother then I'm moving here," she beams.
"Awesome!" I squeal. "What about your mom? What if she actually fights for custody of your brother?"
"She won't. She's too drunk to even realize that I'm taking him," Flora says. I nod.
"So, you're just going to get custody of him, come here, then what are you both moving in with Joven?" I ask.
"Yeah, I've got a spare bedroom for Austin to stay in," Joven says. I nod.
"When are you going to get him and all of your stuff?" I ask.
"Next week sometime. Joven is coming with," she explains.
"Yeah so someone will have to fill in for me in filming," Joven winks.
"I'll get to fill in for you in all of the videos?" I ask. He nods. "But wouldn't someone else fail in?"
"We already have someone filling in for Sohinki until he gets all of his memory back," He says. I nod.
"Cool, I'll get to be in a lot more videos than I usually am!" I exclaim jumping up from the table. They both chuckle and shake their heads at my actions. Ian and Anthony walk in a little while later with a dog kennel and a plastic bag full of dog treats, bones, a leash and a collar.
"You got a dog?!"

Quick A/N: I just wanted to say I really appreciate all of your story votes and comments. Knowing that you guys enjoy my story is what keeps me writing this. I just wanted to say I really really appreciate it and wanted to express that to you :D -TNW

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