Chapter Twelve: Concussion

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I wake up with something cold on my forehead. My eyes open slowly. I feel light headed and I squint because of the light being let in through the window. I reach up and take the side pack off my forehead. I sit up slowly, my head pounding and I feel nauseous. Ian walks in.
"Good, you're up," He says. He walks over and hugs me. "When David carried you in I thought you were dead."
I laugh slightly, my head hurts more as I do.
"What happened?" I ask.
"After Joven punched you you went to the bathroom. Mari said you must have fainted and hit your head on the sink," Ian explains.
"How long was I out?" I ask.
"Like twelve hours."
"What happened with Joven and Sohinki?" I ask.
"They both spent the night here to see if you'd wake up. They didn't talk to each other once. Then they went to work this morning."
"I don't want them to fight over me," I sigh.
"Well, you can't control that," Ian says. Anthony walks in and sits down on the chair at my desk.
"I'm glad you're okay, Aeryn," he says. I nod, making my head hurt. I wince.
"My head hurts though," I say. Ian walks out and comes back minutes later with two Tylenol and a cup of water.
"Thanks," I say taking the pills.
"Oh, and you're staying home for.the next couple days, no work, you need to rest and recover. I think you have a concussion," Ian says.
"I can take her to the doctor," Anthony offers. Ian and I nod.
"Actually, I should be getting to SGHQ to make sure Joven and Sohinki don't kill each other," Ian says. Ian walks out. I hear his car start and he leave.
"I'll just get dressed and brush my hair, then we can go," I say. Anthony nods and leaves the room. I put a pair of black sweatpants and a Green Lantern t-shirt on. I put my shoes on and brush my hair, then putting it in a messy bun.
"Okay. Let's go," I say to Anthony as I walk into the living room. He grabs his keys off the table and we're off to the doctor's office.

"It seems that you have a concussion, Ms. Foxworth," Dr. Saunders says. Anthony looks worried.
"Just get some rest and recover. I want to see you again in two days, just to check if you'll be okay to go back to doing your normal activities," he says.
"Thanks, doc," I say getting off the table-bed.

I sit down on the couch after Anthony and I get home. He turns on the T.V. and hands me the remote. I change it to Spongebob and halfway through the episode I fall asleep.
I open my eyes again to see Ian sitting on the long couch, playing Call of Duty. Anthony sits on the floor in front of the couch I'm on.
"Ian, board up the windows all the zombies are going to get in!" Anthony exclaims fixing the barriers. I flinch at his yelling.
"Oh, sorry, Aer," Anthony apologizes quietly. I just give him a nod. Ian goes down and Anthony has to revive him. The hoards of zombies are behind him. Anthony tries to keep zombies away as Ian revives him, but Ian goes down too.
"Ugh," Ian groans. "We only made it to round eight."
Ian and Anthony put their controllers down on the coffee table and groan about their frustration with the game. I laugh quietly and sit up on the couch. Anthony gets up from the floor and plops down next to me.
"How's your head feel?" he asks.
"It's fine," I lie. Maybe they'll let me go back to work if I act like I'm fine.
"Aeryn, don't lie," Ian says.
"I'm not lying. I'm fine," I say.
"Okay, how would you feel if I screamed right now?" he asks.
"I don't know. It'd probably still hurt my ears," I say.
"Aeryn, you're not fine. You can't lie to your cousin," he says. My phone vibrates in my pocket. It's a call from Carter...

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