Wayne turned his head looking at me. "I got your new phone ." He nodded at the coffee table, you jut need to sign back in the cloud." I nodded walking and grabbing the box. Wayne bit his lip looking at me. "I got you a new number." I nodded OK, I knew it was probably for the best, but still I would have liked to have been asked. Fallon walked up to me crawling in my lap. "Hey baby girl, have you had a nap." Fallon shook her head snuggling in closer to me. I wrapped her in my arms kissing her forehead. "You look pretty." Fallon pointed at Wayne. "We went and got you a new phone mommy." I looked up at Wayne watching him place Maliyah on his shoulder to burp her. "I know, did you eat lunch." Fallon nodded really fast, "we went to Mc Donald's mommy." I grinned down at her. "All right." It didn't take long for both girls to be asleep. Wayne laid Maliyah down in her bassinet and came and relieved me of Fallon taking her upstairs to her bed.

I walked in the kitchen opening the fridge. I was hungry but at the same time not. I grabbed a bottle of water reaching in the cabinet for my flavor packet. "You want me to go get you something to eat?" I shook me head no. "I'm OK. Did you eat." Wayne nodded yes. "Should have woken me up earlier. You going to the studio?" Wayne shook his head no. "I'm going to go outback to skate, unless you don't want me to." I shrugged, knowing Wayne probably needed time to clear his mind. "Your good, I might come out to watch you some." Wayne walked up on me pulling me close to him. I turned my face as he leaned down to kiss me causing him to sigh and lean his forehead against mine. I took a step back grabbing my water bottle walking back in the living room.

As I walked out to watch Wayne skate I found him just sitting on his ramp. I had no possible way to get to where he was so I just sat down on the ledge of the house. Wayne glanced over at me before standing up and jumping on his board ridding it down. I about had a heart attack when he just jumped off letting his board go flying through the air. Wayne walked up to me not stopping until he stood between my legs. He reached out grabbing my face pulling it down until our lips met. I closed my eyes at the soft caress of affection. As he took a step back I jumped down putting us chest to chest. Wayne's arms automatically wrapped around me as he leaned down kissing my neck. "I was afraid you wouldn't let me touch you again." I laid my head against Wayne's chest. I just wanted to forget last night but I knew that would never happen.

When I looked back up Wayne grabbed my hand and we walked back in the house. Entering the house we went our own separate ways. Wayne went upstairs to shower an I went in the living room in search of my computer. After realizing it was upstairs I gave in , too lazy to go upstairs in search of it. I grabbed my new cell calling Ryan to let him know I had a new number. When he answered I rolled my eyes, he always had attitude. "Hey just wanted to give you my new number." I rolled my eyes as Ryan started trying to give me the fifth degree. "Why the fuck you need a new number, you better not be trying to change our plans." I closed my eyes, why did I call him. "No Ryan, I'm still bringing her down there in two weeks." Ryan made a sound and I could just picture his face. "Good I miss my girl." I sighed, I hated the fact she would be with her dad for three months. "Yeah I know you do, look I got to go." Ryan sighed. "You called me Maci." I rolled my eyes "bye."

Wayne walked down the stairs wearing some truckfit shorts without his shirt. "Put a shirt on your not a little boy." Wayne smirked at me. "What." I rolled my eyes as he came and sat beside me stretching out. "I wanna take you out tonight." I shook my head. "That's OK." Wayne sighed leaning back. "Kinda already called Ms. Rosa." I shot Wayne a look. "Wayne, I don't' know." He bit his lip, "I just want some time with you, alone." I shrugged, "I don't think I want to be alone with you." Wayne looked over at me as I stood up and headed upstairs. I went straight to the bathroom turning on the shower. The water felt so good streaming over my body. I closed my eyes letting the water relax my body.

Walking in the bedroom I found Wayne holding Maliyah sitting on the edge of the bed. "Where are we going." Wayne shrugged. "Just out for the night." I arched my brow at him. "Wayne." He looked up at me. "You need to pack an overnight bag." I shook my head no as I slipped in my bra and panties. "No, no, just no." Wayne turned Maliyah down looking down at her. "Tell your momma to chill out, her and daddy need some time alone." I let out a sigh, "Wayne right now, you think this a good idea." I looked up at me. "Look I just want to spend some time with you with no interruptions, we can stay up all night talking or you can spend all night cussing me out. I just want some alone time." I walked in the closet pulling down a pair of jeans and a black off the shoulder top. "You can not fix this in one night." Wayne shook his head. "I'm not trying to, I just need to know your here with me."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now