36. Cross My Heart

Start from the beginning

He elbowed her arm, "Don't say that; I would never do that to you."

She shrugged, "Yeah."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm great," she replied, but deep down she knows all she tells him are lies anymore. Lie after lie she feels emptier and emptier.

He let it go, but he was slowly starting to catch on.

When Y/N met Gloria a lot of things changed; she didn't spend much time with Michael anymore and barely talked to him.

This change went on for a month and a half and Michael really missed her, but Y/N wasn't really missing him.

She didn't miss being uncomfortable around him or his girlfriend shooting daggers at her behind him. Michael was suspicious and he wanted to know what was happening.

He was waiting on her porch when she got home late one night.

She was walking up when he stepped out of the shadows and said, "Where've you been these past couple of months?"

"I've been busy."

He was angry and he couldn't just take her word for it anymore, "You've been ignoring me."

"I told you," she replied with the roll of her eyes. "I've been busy lately; you're not my only friend you know."

He nods and let's out a sarcastic laugh, "I know, but we haven't hung out in a while and I didn't ever see you with anyone."

"I've known Gloria for a couple months and I've been staying at her place," she said as she stared at him. "We watch movies and talk about everything and eat our weight in food."

"Oh," he sounded hurt. "I thought that was our thing."

She didn't want to say anything else, but there was no time like now, "Your girlfriend was always with you when we hung out; it wasn't our thing like it used to be, I was just third wheeling."

"That's not true."

"It is, Michael."

He shook his head, "I know I made time for you."

She sighed, "Maybe our priorities have been different for a while; you haven't made time to hang out with me since you started dating Brandi. I guess we can just keep in contact by phone from now on and maybe have lunch sometimes."

He shook his head, "I eat lunch with Brandi."

Y/N scoffed and nodded as if she knew it was coming, "Then we can chat every night on the phone until we fall asleep."

"Brandi always calls me at that time and we talk until we fall asleep."

Y/N nods again and shrugs, "Then we're not friends anymore; I know that family and girlfriend come first, but it's usually family and friends and then girlfriend. I won't compete for your attention anymore," she continued as the tears welled up. "And while we're being serious, I'll be truthful; I've been lying for years. I've never really been kissed since you and I kissed when I was twelve or even had a boyfriend and I've always been unpopular to everyone. Brandi hasn't ever liked me and you don't have to believe me; she told me to keep my distance and that's what I've been doing. I'll see you around."

She ran passed him and quickly unlocked her door before slipping inside to cry.

Their friendship was pretty much nonexistent now because he never noticed how anything impacted her; he had been too wrapped up in his girlfriend.

Michael cried in his car before going back home and he was just so angry with himself; he wondered how he could've let this happen. He wrecked their friendship because of another girl when he'd promised he'd never let someone come between them.

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