Chapter 17.

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~~The Calm Before The Storm~~

Both Trysta and the Mandalorian continued watching each other from afar. She had grown tired of their lack of conversation and eventually spoke up, "And who are you, exactly?" she asked. The Nexu daemon gave a low resonating purr as it rubbed up against its counterpart like some over grown tabby cat.

"Name's Niobe Vox of Clan Skirata, best Mandalorian bounty hunter this side of the known universe," she began, running an armoured hand over the large feline's head. "And this soppy thing is Narzia." She continued motioning to the Nexu with her other hand all the while continuing to stroke her daemon.

"Your daemon is the same gender as you?" Trysta asked, furrowing her brow at the human. It was a rare thing to have a daemon the same gender as their counterpart. Gallian had ceased his growling at the others and had moved back to Trysta's side, sitting calmly on his hunches. He kept a wary eye on the Mandalorian and her Nexu, but was content enough to allow his other half to ruffle the fur around the back of his head.

Niobe nodded an affirmative, "Yep. She's definitely one of a kind, I mean, who's ever heard of a huggable Nexu?" she asked rhetorically. She stopped petting her daemon and reached up to her helmet, pulling it off so as to show her face.

The human had long violet hair that spilled out of the helmet and fell to rest over her shoulders. Her skin was fair, and her eyes were a vibrant aqua colour. She gave the Kaleesh a cocky smirk, moving to rest her hands just above the two blasters she had, one on each side of her hips.

"Nice dog, though I'm more of a cat person myself. You gonna introduce yourself?" Vox asked, leaning all of her weight to the one of her legs, assuming a rather relaxed position.

Trysta eventually sighed in defeat, she guessed it couldn't do any harm, "Trysta Sheelal, Jedi Padawan. And this is Gallian." she said, moving a hand to gesture to the coal black canine that sat at her side, gradually beginning to lean onto her side.

"Didn't know the Seppies were dealing with Jedi now." the Mandalorian grinned in almost mockery. Narzia seemed rather bored with the conversation and began stalking in Gallian's direction, flicking her two tails.

"They're not, trust me." she growled back with a grimace. She crossed her arms over her chest allowing an audible sigh to voice her displeasure with the whole arrangement. Gallian was feeling rather uncomfortable with the larger daemon closing in on him and shifted ever so slightly closer to his girl.

The two fell into silence for a long while, neither party speaking a word to the other. Trysta glanced up into the sky, watching as several flakes of snow casually drifted down from the sky to land upon the ground. As beautiful as it was, it was absolutely freezing, and Trysta's hands had begun to quiver involuntarily.

"What do you plan to do now?" Came Gallian's voice, finally breaking the silence. He shifted even closer to his counterpart, offering his warmth. Niobe was taken aback by Gallian asking the question and aiming it at her rather than her daemon.

"Looks like my girl isn't the only special daemon here." the Mandalorian leered, earning a low growl from said daemon. "But to answer your question, I'm not quite sure, probably just head towards the main city." she finally breathed in response to the wolf's question.

Trysta shook her head, "I wouldn't suggest it. The city's about to become a war zone." she forewarned. She might have not liked the other's attitude, but it was her duty as a Jedi to at least try and warn her of the danger that would soon be upon the capitol.

"Well then, thanks for the heads up." Niobe thanked, giving a nod of the head, displacing her purple locks, causing them to cascade off her shoulders and down her back.

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