Chapter 3.

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~~Unexpected Appearances~~

"Admiral, tell all ships to set their rear defector shields to two hundred percent and turn our ship around. Tell the other ships to continue their attack, we will engage the cruisers behind us," master Starr commanded.

"But sir, shouldn't we retreat? We're heavily outgunned," the admiral persisted.

"No admiral, send out a message to general Skywalker, tell him we need his assistance," she replied, "Until such a time as he arrives with shall continue with our attack. Besides, where exactly are we going to retreat to?"

"The general is correct, we are surrounded on both sides, escape is near impossible," chimed in one of the lieutenants.

Trysta and Gallian had moved closer to master Starr and Adrastos and were stood silently by her side, listening to everything that was happening. Trysta watched as the Untold Triumph turned around to face the new opposition directly and took note of the number of enemy vessels.

Within a few moments the enemy fleet released a torrent of fire on the republic cruisers and numerous squadrons of droid fighters took to the sky.

"Commander, round up all available pilots and get yourselves out there to engage the enemy fighters," Zara commanded and watched as he left with a "yes sir."

"Raise our front shields and return fire," she continued.

In the time it had taken the republic to destroy two of the enemy cruisers they had lost almost four and now their numbers were dangerously low at only five remaining ships. Yet somehow the Untold Triumph managed to survive and continue unleashing a rain of torrent fire onto the enemy.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting the remaining group of republic fighters entered the fight and began their last ditch effort to destroy as many of the opposing fighters as possible while adding their gunfire to the enemy cruisers despite knowing it did little in the grand scheme of the battle.

However hard the remaining republic forces fought they were still losing and eventually they lost a further two cruisers, one of which taking out a substantial number of republic fighters in the wake of its explosion.

Eventually the three Separatist cruisers from the original battle were destroyed, though the republicans had little time for celebration and quickly turned their ships around to engage the newer less damaged ships, effectively taking out one of them.

Now there were three republic ships against seven separatist ships, meaning the separatists still had more than double that of the republic.

"Sir, the enemy cruisers are sending boarding craft, how should we proceed?" Asked the lieutenant, who was evidently the bearer of bad news.

"Contact all fighters and tell them to intercept and destroy as many of the boarding craft as possible," Starr replied. She reached out and activated a speaker to connect with the entire ship and commanded, "All remaining clones are to take up arms and repel all enemy forces in the hangar bay," she said before cutting the connection.

All clones quickly did as commanded and raced about, daemons at their heels, to gather their weapons or heading down toward the hangar to prepare for engaging the boarding party.

"Some of the enemy craft has made it past our fighters, they're boarding us!" the lieutenant cried in alarm.

"Continue focusing our attack on the enemy cruisers," Zara commanded before turning to Trysta, "Padawan, I need you to head down to hangars an aid the clones with repelling the enemy, do you think you're up for that?" she asked Trysta.

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