Chapter 5.

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~~Myths and Daemons~

Trysta tentatively made her way onto the bridge. She glanced around, taking in her surroundings, and also looking for any other doors. Sadly she had only seen the door they had come through and saw no other possible exits.

All the battle droids were hard at work either piloting the ship through hyperspace, going about other chores, or walking from one place to another. Finally her eyes settled on a lone figure who appeared to be overseeing the entirety of the work going on in the vicinity from a slightly raised platform that housed the command chair.

His wolf daemon was led at his side, head gently resting on her paws with a disinterested expression. The sound of approaching footsteps however caught the canine's attention, causing her to lift her head and prick her ears in the direction of the newcomers.

Trysta watched as the General also turned and watched their approach, in a similar way to a predator watching their prey.

The battle droid the small group had been following came to an abrupt halt a short distance from the platform and stood at attention, "Sir, we have the prisoner as you requested." it stated in a matter-of-fact manor.

"Return to your duties." Grievous ordered. His voice was remarkably calm, yet still held its usual aspect of menace and ire, as he slowly began descending the stairs leading from the platform. His daemon clambered to her feet and shook out her snow coloured pelt before following closely after.

By the time he reached the Jedi padawan his daemon had caught up with him and they both stopped at the same time before her.

Trysta swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and focused on remaining absolutely calm. She kept her eyes on Grievous, only occasionally taking a moment to glance at his daemon.

Gallian stood close to Trysta, his ears were pinned forward, his hackles were bristled slightly, and his tail was held vertical with a slight curve toward the back, displaying a highly dominant stance to show he had not fear what-so-ever of the older daemon. He was eyeing the other wolf dangerously with narrowed eyes. However the white wolf, this time, did not copy his reaction, and managed to maintain an emotionless expression and stance.

"I do not believe we have been properly introduced," he began, "I presume you already know myself, but this is my daemon; Dimeria." The general said, gesturing to the white wolf at his side.

"Pleasure," Trysta said in a quiet voice, feeling more and more nervous with each passing second.

Grievous seemed slightly disappointed that, that was all she was going to say. "And you said your name was Trysta, and your daemon was Gallian, yes?" he asked, pausing momentarily to recall the other daemon's name.

Trysta nodded gingerly but said nothing more.

A slightly awkward silence soon followed where both youngling and cyborg simply stared at each other, speaking not a word. Their daemons did the same. Trysta felt something vaguely familiar about the general, and also his daemon, but she couldn't quite place it.

Eventually it was Trysta to break the silence, "So, ugh... where exactly are we going?" she asked timidly.

Evidently relieved by the silence being broken the General replied, "The Serenno system."

Trysta nodded in acknowledgment, she presumed they would be heading to Serenno, and that gave her an even greater feeling of dread. She all of a sudden noticed Grievous had possession of her lightsaber, now she knew she wouldn't be getting it back.

Grievous noticed her eyes pinpoint the location of her weapon, and he smirked slightly under his mask, of course the first thing she would look for would be her weapon. He grasped the hilt with a clawed hand and produced the weapon, activating the dark purple and black blade.

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