Chapter 4.

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Dimeria sat patiently on the bridge. She was watching as Grievous paced in front of her contemplating the day's events. The wolf daemon flicked her tail impatiently and sighed softly, growing tired of her counterpart's endless pacing. She could feel his restlessness through their bond and wanted to try and calm him, despite how challenging she knew that would be.

Shortly after both the teenage Kaleesh and her daemon had fallen unconscious a droid had alerted them to the fact Republic reinforcements had arrived and they had decided a retreat to their ship was their best option. Dimeria had been the one to convince Grievous to bring the young Jedi with them, and she could tell he was regretting listening to her now.

They had managed to get back to their cruiser and continue the attack on the new ships, which they discovered was a mass of both Jedi master Anakin Skywalker and Kit Fisto's forces combined that were trying to push them back.

After the battle had continued fiercely and both sides had lost the majority of their ships, Grievous had decided to regroup, and after giving the order the heavily damaged fleet retreated to the nearest 'friendly' space to make a repair stop.

Now it was merely a game of waiting, one Dimeria could tell Grievous was slowly losing. She sighed again before standing up and trotting over to her person, standing directly in front of him, forcing him to cease in his pacing.

"What's wrong now?" She asked in as calm a voice as she could muster, trying not to sound exasperated.

"What's wrong? What do you think is wrong!" the general snapped with a glare.

"I'm sure everything will turn out just fine, you'll see," she assured him, indifferent to his current display of bad temper.

"How exactly do you figure that?" he asked, evidently still irritated.

"She's just a padawan, what's the worst that could happen?" Dimeria asked.

"You know children Dimeria, you know how tricky they can be," he sighed.

Dimeria laughed softly before nudging Grievous with her nose, receiving a scratch behind the ears from one of his clawed hands for her trouble. At least she had succeeded in lifting the mood slightly.

"What do you think we should do with her? We cannot let her back to the Jedi, and we surely cannot kill her," Dimeria reminded him, humming in delight at his contact with her.

"We will certainly not let the Jedi continue to corrupt her mind with their lies, and I refuse to kill her, however what other options do we have?" he asked his daemon.

Dimeria thought for a moment, "Perhaps when the youngling wakes we might ask her a few questions," she thought aloud.

"You honestly think she would submit to questioning? To willingly answer our questions?" Grievous asked sarcastically, "No, she may be young but I do not believe she is that foolish, she will most likely see it as a trap and refuse. Jedi are stubborn like that," he stated.

"You are stubborn like that," Dimeria reminded him in a teasing manner.

Grievous rolled his eyes at his daemon's statement before pivoting around and stalking off toward his command chair, muttering under his breath about 'not being stubborn'. "Come, we must contact Count Dooku, and inform him of the situation here."

Dimeria stood up and trotted after him, "We'll just have to wait and see," she mused.


Deep within one of the numerous cells aboard the cruiser, Trysta began to stir. Her eyes slowly cracked open, the light from the holding cell caused her to hiss in pain and raise and hand to the eye-holes of her mask to shade her eyes from the blinding white light.

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