Chapter 12.

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~~Sheep and Wolves~~

Before the Jedi had the chance to respond Trysta used a powerful force push to send him spiralling back and into the side of one of the Republic Gunships. His sheep daemon raced over to her human to ensure he was alright.

Changing her attention to the Kaleesh on the ground, she held out a hand to him, which he gratefully took. She hoisted him back to his feet with a yank of her arm. "You alright?" she asked, genuine concern evident in her voice and she look him over.

"Yeah, thanks for the save," he replied with a grin. She watched as he gathered his weapons from the floor and his leopard daemons bounded over to his side, giving her boy a gentle nudge. Trysta noticed he was around her own age, yet his daemon being so large made him appear older.

"Are you a Jedi?" he asked with a suspicious facial appearance. His daemon was sniffing at Gallian with just as equal an amount of suspicion and caution about her.

Trysta gave a slow nod, "Well, more of a padawan." she replied sincerely hoping her wouldn't grimace at the fact. It was rather obvious the people here weren't exactly friends with the Republic or the Jedi order for that matter and she understood their reasons.

"You don't look like a Jedi." he stated, suddenly ducking to evade a shot aimed at his head. "But if you're going to help I guess it doesn't matter either way." he continued before speeding off to continue engaging with the Republic forces, with his leopard chasing after him.

She watched as the large feline pounced on one of the Clone Trooper's German Shepards, tearing at its throat like the wild animal it was. Despite the fact the cat was killing clone daemons, Trysta had to admire the speed and precision of the creature.

"You!" Shouted a voice, causing the padawan to turn back towards the Jedi who was back on his feet with his lightsaber reignited and ready for battle. He looked Trysta over and his frown deepened, "You're a Jedi, what in blazes are you doing here, fighting against the Republic?" he asked in pure bewilderment.

She presumed he figured out she was a Jedi by her cream coloured robes and the duel lightsabers she wielded. She also had a long padawan braid stashed away in her ponytail of black hair.

"I do not intent to fight the Republic, I only wanted to tell you that these people are innocent and attacking them is a mistake," was her response and she gestured at the battle surrounding them. "And I'm Trysta Sheelal, padawan of Jedi Master Zara Starr."

"Jedi Knight Solari" he greeted with a nod. "Then why, might I ask, is there a Separatist fleet hovering above the planet?" the Jedi asked, calming himself down again.

Trysta had to admit she was stumped, she was not sure what exactly she should tell the Jedi. Surely she could not mention she had been brought there by Grievous, that would only make her appear as though she were a traitor or a deserter.

"Furthermore, what are you doing so far from your master, padawan?" he asked, distrust returning to his voice, newly emphasised.

Again, she was unsure of what to say to the Jedi. It dawned on her that she could simply tell the Jedi what happened and be taken back to the safety of the Republic, of the Temple, but on the other hand she could not allow them to punish the Kaleesh for such an unjust reason and not help them.

As though making her decision for her she heard a low growl from behind her and whirled around. She took in the sight of a rather disgruntled Dimeria, and of course, where there was Dimeria, there was always Grievous, who was stood with an intense glare aimed at the human.

The Jedi's face was deprived of all colour as fear began to steadily creep into his expression. He seemed to suddenly notice his mouth was drooping open and snapped it shut, swallowing visibly as though it would make his fear leave his body.

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