Chapter 16.

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Diamonds. Perhaps the force was indeed telling her something.

By the time Trysta had considered all the information she had received, Grievous appeared to be back to commanding the bridge with little thought remaining on her. She turned away and found a nearby seat.

Gallian on the other hand seemed to have not noticed her leave due to the fact he was still having a play fight with Dimeria on the floor. Several of the droids and organic members of the crew gave the two canines weary glances, but knew better than to comment.

The black wolf had the older one pinned beneath him, giving her a playful growl and nipping at her neck. Allowing a frantic wagging of the tail and his tongue to lol out his mouth.

The bridge was near enough silent, minus the occasional chatter between crew members, exchanging commands.

Dimeria managed to wriggle free of Gallian and jumped to her feet, and bolting off across the bridge, with the other wolf hot on her heels. However, unlike Gallian, Dimeria was forced to stay within several feet of Grievous, whereas Gallian could travel much further without discomfort.

Only when Grievous growled out his daemon's name did they skid to a halt. With Gallian crashing into the back of the older wolf, causing them to nearly topple over again.

Gallian's tail ceased in its movements when Dimeria slunk off back to her counterpart. He frowned and gave a huff before taking a look around for Trysta, scanning everyone with his golden orbs. Once he spotted her he bounded in her direction, still full of energy, which was more than he could say for his girl.

When he reached her, she petted to top of his head, between his pricked ears.

Trysta eventually crossed her legs on the chair and attempted to meditate. She often used meditation as a way of making herself patient. Far too often was she trying to find something to do to kill time, that she had to occasionally take a moment to calm her mind and simply wait for something to happen, rather than making it happen herself.

She knew that she could trust Gallian to watch over her while she mediated. One of the only times she was vulnerable to attack.


Dimeria took one look at Grievous and could tell his mind was being plagued by something, in fact she could feel it through their bond, so there was no way he could deny it, "What troubles you?" she asked, cocking her head to the side in question.

He took a moment to glance at the young Kaleesh to ensure she would not be listening. The General shifted his gaze back to Dimeria before replying, "You were wrong." he said simply, looking away from the canine once more in favour of looking out into the light of hyperspace.

"How so?" she growled back, seeing he was not going to elaborate any further. She sat patiently at his side and lifted her head to look him in the eyes once he took another glance in her direction.

"Do you recall when you first suspected her daemon was a Dire Wolf? Do you remember what you said?" The warlord asked, drumming his durasteel claws on his chair's armrest, impatiently waiting for her to respond to his question.

The white wolf nodded, "Yes," she confirmed, "I said that he is still set to grow, how is that wrong?" she demanded, coiling her tail around her body.

He shook his cranium at her response, "No, what you said about her not knowing her daemon was a Dire Wolf if she had never seen one before." he clarified. She nodded, giving him the signal to continue, "That was wrong," he stated, "For her daemon to turn into a Dire Wolf, he would have had to have seen one at least once to gather their size, yes?"

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