Chapter 11.

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~~The Battle Begins~~

The space battle above the planet Kalee was progressing rather slowly. Neither Republic or Separatist forces were gaining any substantial ground. However, it was blatantly obvious that in this fight the Republic had gained the upper hand.

Unlike the Separatist forces, the Republic had a while fleet of fighters at its disposal, ready to bombard the Confederate cruisers. Unfortunately the number of Separatist fighters had been dwindling before the fight had even begun.

The vast majority of their forces were either being repaired or being replaced, and so they only had a bare minimum number at their disposal.

The tactical droid in charge of the battle was calculating their options, which admittedly were rather low. They had already lost one ship so far and the remaining cruisers had all sustained a substantial amount of damage each. The droid would have liked to call their forces into retreat, but was more weary of the General's fury than being destroyed in battle.

All of the possible Vulture droids had already been sent into the dog fight, not that it was much of one. It could be more closely compared to shooting fish in a barrel.

The Republic had divided their fighter forces, half of them were engaging the Vulture droids in an attempt to destroy them, and the other half were bombarding the cruisers with their laser fire and torpedoes. Causing the ships to be near enough constantly shaking violently from side to side.

The bridge's communicator began to signal and the tactical battle droid answered the call. "Continue the battle, do not allow the Republic to attack the planet at all costs," came the voice of Grievous. Peculiarly he was using the shuttle's long rage communicator, rather than the one kept on his person.

"But sir, we are outgunned, the chances of our forces emerging victor-" The droid was cut off by Grievous' harsh reprimanding voice.

"You will do as commanded, is that clear?" he growled. His golden optics narrowed on the emotionless battle droid, nearly daring it to defy his orders.

"Yes, my lord," the droid replied, cutting the connection with the General and refocusing its mind on the space battle. Had the droid any emotions it might had been fearful of the battle's results, but luckily it had no such thing and quickly went back to calculating their next move.


Varon calmly stood before the gathering crowd of natives. His hands were gently swinging by his sides and he stood with his body balanced evenly on each leg.

Despite his calm appearance, the Kaleesh still appeared sceptical and untrustworthy towards this new person. A low volume chatter began making its ways through the crowd as they all began asking their neighbour who this strange person was, and why there were Republic soldiers occupying their city.

"What is your business, Jedi?" asked one of the Kaleesh finally. The rest of the crowd parted for the male to make his was to the front of the gathering so he could speak with the Republicans.

Jedi Knight Solari studied the person in front of him. He came to the conclusion that this was their leader. On his arm was perched his daemon, a magnificent bird, a Golden Eagle to be specific. It stood calmly, preening its golden feathers almost oblivious to the Jedi.

He took a but a moment to reply, "I am Jedi Knight Varon Solari, and I have come on behalf of the Republic to discuss your planet's allegiance. Though it is clear you have already chosen a side." The Jedi stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are you implying?" The Kaleesh asked, narrowing his yellow reptilian eyes at his words. His daemon ceased preening to stare at the Jedi with a dangerous glint in its eyes. While most would have had trouble supporting such a large raptor on their arm, weighing almost five kilograms. The strong Kaleesh however, had no such visible discomfort at his daemon's size.

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