Chapter 6.

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~~Conversing with daemons and friends~~

"A dire wolf. Have you taken leave of your senses Dimeria?!" Grievous snapped at his daemon, "There's no such thing as someone having a dire wolf as their daemon."

"Just because we have never heard of someone having such a daemon, does not mean it is any less real or possible," the wolf replied in a calm voice.

Grievous wasn't sure which he found more annoying, when Dimeria snapped back at him with his own temper, or when she acted overly calm.

"Fine, let us, for a moment, pretend that her daemon was in fact a dire wolf, what would it matter? What is so special about an overgrown canine?" he asked, drumming his durasteel claws on the side of his chair.

Dimeria shrugged, "Well, dire wolves are said to have quite fiery tempers, which Trysta's daemon definitely has," she began, "But more importantly, I have heard that they have strong connections with death. Some even believe dire wolves were created from dead wolves." she stated.

"You certainly hear a lot of strange things," Grievous stated with a non-visible frown at the wolf.

Dimeria flicked her tail left to right before sighing, "Fine, perhaps we should not concern ourselves with it, I only thought you would be curious," she stated with a playful smirk.

"Have you ever just considered asking him?" The General asked raising an eyebrow in question.

"Of course, but what if he does not know?" she replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that, if I were to say turn into some exotic bird before I had settled, neither of us would know exactly what I was unless we had either seen one or had been told what it is. Perhaps Trysta and Gallian have never heard of a dire wolf before, and so they think he is only a common wolf," she explained.

Grievous thought for a moment, continuing his rhythmic tapping on the side of his chair. What Dimeria said sounded feasible to him, though he still held doubt that the youngling's daemon was anything special.

"Perhaps you are correct. Though how would we be able to find out for definite?" he asked.

"We would need to ask someone with extensive knowledge of daemons." Dimeria answered, shaking out her fur and standing up.

"Like who exactly?" Grievous enquired.

"Well, there's always the Count," she told him.

The cyborg scoffed, "You seriously think that Dooku will be willing to share information about mythical daemons?, He's furious enough that we lost the battle, I would not consider it wise to ask him at the moment." he said. "Besides, at the first mention of Trysta and Gallian he'll have our hides for not disposing of them," he reminded her.

"What if we were to tell him we could turn he, perhaps she could be of use and he will not need to, as you say, dispose of them." Dimeria suggested.

"And how exactly do you suppose we compel them to switch sides, both in the war and from the Jedi order?" he asked, hissing at the mention of Jedi.

"Well, as I said earlier, dire wolves are known to be extremely aggressive, and have a large amount of rage within them, and since Gallian is presumably one it means that Trysta herself is filled with aggression and rage, whether she shows it or not. Now, if we could get her to display and use her more hateful emotions..." she trailed off.

"We could turn her," Grievous finished.

"Precisely," Dimeria commended with a smirk.


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