'I'm Shane. ' He said with a growing smile, he reached out to shake my hand as Mars rolled his eyes.

'Maria ' I replied as my face heated up I actually  blushed as I shook his hand

" Maria " A distant voice called

"Maria, Ms. Johnson " Someone was shaking me, getting out of my daze and looking up I smiled at Dr. Smith but she had a blank expression on her face. What is it with  everyone acting so emotionless?

" We completed the test of your urine sample, you're clean so you don't have to worry about that but we also found out that you're... " I didn't let her finish before I choked up a reply

" Found what I asked " Worried and scared

" Um...Ms. Johnson you're pregnant, I don't whether I should say congratulations or not considering the bruises on your body. You should know that there are always other options that we would be happy to help you with. " That was all I heared before I zoned out and everything went black.


Pregnant ! Pregnant! Pregnant!
It's was like it was taunting me, I'm out cold but I can still feel every blow I've ever taken. The piercing of mental into my skin from the car crash, the blood running down my face. Shane's fist slowly moving towards my face the agonizing impact the bouncing back of his hand. The shooting pain through my mussels, my body screaming for help, the adrenaline rush to run but I couldn't move. I was on the verge of a panic attack, this was a feeling that I was used to.

All my life I have been ignoring the fact that I let people do what ever they wanted now it feels like it's all just laughing at me, Pregnant. It's taunting, you're having his kid again, I'm suppose to be in love with him but all I want to do is scream but I can't, there's no way out, nothing I can do, I can't ask anyone for help because he has them all fooled. I'm confused, all I want to do is shout, scream and let everything go. I don't know how I'm suppose to feel, I don't know if I should cry. I want to but I can't get it out it's there but I can't get it out, it's just there on the other side calling me asking me to give up I want to but I just can't I have to wait it all out. What now?

What am I suppose to do? It's just all there laughing at me it's taunting, for once I'm lost and I can't figure it out.

It was over, my rest was over I had to go back.
I came back into consciousness to find my family all around me once again.

"She's going to be fine, she had a little panic attack and blacked out. You guys should look out for her symptoms and make sure she get's lots of rest. " The doctor gave them run down of the situation

"Symptoms of what?" Cathy asked

"I think she should explain that." As the doctor left the room I recalled falling into a dark hole as I got the news.

"Um it's...um nothing " I try to brush it off

"Nothing babe you're in the hospital where is your 'lover' " Xavier said while air quoting lover with a sneer.

"I don't know " I whispered while looking downing feeling the tears building up, my body heated up from the fear I felt for him, the anger I had and the revenge I wanted to take him down, I wanted him to hurt and feel anything that could make him feel the same pain I'm feeling.

"What happened Maria? "Mars asked this time

"I'm pregnant " I whispered I felt bile in my throat and the tears fell

"I'm pregnant " I said louder

"And I don't know what to do, I don't know, I feel so lost. " At the moment I was full on sobbing "WHAT HAVE I DONE!!" I screamed

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