11|| Hanging out with my Hangover

Start from the beginning

He rubbed the back of his neck and hung it low. "I don't know... I have no idea what Dylan was thinking. Deeds is going to be so pissed off," he muttered.

"Yeah." I stopped and turned again. "Hey, you said I had a hangover, but I'm pretty damn sure I didn't drink anything. Care to explain?"

Jase laughed, but it was dry. "That Jordan kid accidently gave you a really strong alcohol instead of water, and you passed out after the whole Cady-Dylan drama."

I shook my head, still not getting it. "Wait, how did I pass out? Was it dramatic and did I faint with my hand on my head as everyone else stared, and were you my knight in shining armor that carried me to the car while everyone else sent their well-wishes and told me that they loved me?" I asked, my eyes bigger than saucers.

"Cut the dramatics," Jase answered dryly, and I recoiled at his harsh tone. He didn't seem to even care. "No, you fainted with a plonk and pulled my hand down too, which is why I have a hairline fracture because you are so goddamn heavy." He motioned towards a cast, and I realized why he was being so mean all of a sudden.

"Sorry," I said meekly, hanging my head.

"It's okay," he chuckled, and he was the good old Jase again. He should've just said he'd wanted an apology earlier. "So of course I had to rush you to the car, and I locked it up and beat up Jordan for spiking your drink." Oh, my hero (note the sarcasm). "Then Deeds slapped Dylan's face, which was pretty entertaining for us- there were a couple of people who even took videos. After a pretty heated exchange between the two of them, Collen decided to send everyone back home and that's about it."

I tried to swallow all the information, but the only thing I could say to that was, "I hope Jordan isn't too badly hurt. He was shattered already because Cady left him, and I don't want him in the hospital with both broken bones and a broken heart."

Jase shook his head. "I can't promise anything, doll. He shouldn't have spiked your drink just because he was heartbroken because Cady dumped him. Why bring you into the picture?" It was cute how he was getting so protective. UGH NO IT WASN'T CUTE DELETE THAT.

So it turns out I just flopped onto the ground like an oversized sloth and dragged Jase down as well, and no one even noticed I'd fainted. I'd always wanted to faint in this really dramatic way with everyone crowding around me and sprinkling water on my face.

"After I dropped you off in the car," continued Jase. "I ran back to the drama. Deeds was crying her eyes out and started screaming at Dylan, and then screaming at Cady. Turns out Cady was too drunk to even process anything that happened, and she didn't even know she'd kissed Dylan. She laughed and told Deeds that it was a good thing she was yelling at her then and not later, because she wouldn't remember anything later anyway. Then she fainted, and Collen took her up to his room.

"Then Dylan didn't even look sorry about what he'd done, but he wasn't that drunk. He just ruffled the back of his hair and said that he didn't do love anyway, and that being with Deeds was the longest and most committed he'd ever been, but it hadn't helped him settle down. I think everything's still gonna be heated today, but Deeds has mellowed down. That's the thing about her; she forgives too easily."

I tried to grasp all of this information.

"So Deeds and Dylan aren't dating anymore." Was all I managed to stutter out stupidly.

"I think that was a given," Jase responded dryly.

"Are they still friends?" I asked. I sounded like such a dumbo.

"I don't know, Day. I've told you whatever I know, and all we can do now is assume, which isn't going to get us very far." I liked the way he said my name. He kind of stressed on the 'y' and made it sound more melodious than it actually was. Okay, now I'm going off topic. Scrap all of that.

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