#1: Scepter 4

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My second try of writing K-project fanfiction. Here's a guy with so much free time so feel free to enjoy reading.

A busy day for the Scepter 4 catching Strains in the middle of the day. Shigure Miura, neck level haired with deep black eyes, was paired with Daiki Fuse. He joined Scepter 4 two months ago. "Sorry but I'd be taking a short nap", Shigure went at the van and slept. "That guy always have dark circles under his eyes. What a busy guy", Daiki commented watching the raven-haired man disappear.

Fushimi entered the van and saw one Blue slacking off his work. He went closer to check who's partner was it. "Shigure Miura?", Fushimi took a photo and sent it to Awashima. Stop bullying newcommers. Awashima commented on the photo. Shigure woke up and was startled to see the Third-man in Command looking down at him. "My apologies, Fushimi-san", Shigure stood straight and went outside the van. Domyouji met him along the way. "Why? Shigure, did Fushimi caught you sleeping?", Domyouji teased. "You're too young to join Scepter 4. In fact you look younger than me. Why not come back after 2 years?", Donyouji slapped his back. "We're done for today, shall we go eat some Ramen!!!", Akira group hugged them. "I'll pass", Shigure ran from them.

The rest of the front liners went to a ramen house. "Dont you think Shigure's weird? He always skips our get together parties", Tatsuya noticed. "He doesnt take a bath with us", Ren added. "Wah!!! Is he a gay?", Domyouji shouted. "Keep you voice low", Akira covered his mouth.

1:30 am...
Fushimi tried to open the bathroom but it was locked. He forcely opened it since he know that the rest of the boys are already done taking a bath. He heard a hum and peeked. The steam covered fogged his glasses so he decided to wait until the person is done taking a bath.
2:10 am...
Shigure went out of the bathroom. Fushimi sits in front of the door glaring at him. "Are you a girl? I almost slept here waiting for you to get done", Fushimi walked pass through him. Shigure let out a deep sigh.

The alarm clock rang at 5:30 am. Shigure just slept for 3 hours and he needs to prepare for another day and another game to play. He went out of the room with a big bag pack. Kamo met him along the aisle. "Are you leaving for a vacation?", Kamo asked. "I asked for Captain's permission for a part time job", Shigure excused.

When You And Blue CollidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora