Chapter 39

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I stand in the cold, walkers will freeze soon. Then when the heat comes they'll thaw and fall apart. This is good for us, but the warmer states have it worse. The walkers will be moving during winter since they won't freeze.

"There's a meeting" Rick said to me

Maggie, Glenn, and I climb back up to the tree house and enter the main room.

"As you all know, winter will be over in two to four months. We need to decide where we're going" Rick said

"Up north" I interject

"I lived there. Maybe we should move to Canada, the people are really nice.. At least they were, I don't know anymore. And there is a bunch of wildlife to live off of"

"What about Texas?" Eugene asks

"Are you retarded?" I ask him

He gulps blinking

"No" his southern accent obvious

"So why would you move where the walkers aren't even decaying yet. And from what I've seen you don't like walkers. I'm thinking about you and the group, winter will freeze them solid. Non moving walkers, then when they thaw they'll fall apart" I say

"I'm with her" Uncle Daryl said pinching my cheek

A bunch of 'yeahs' circle around

"Okay. Canada it is, we'll leave for the trip after the herd passes" he said

"And worse case scenario, if we get split up everyone remember go to  Toronto, Canada. Since we're still in Georgia you'd have to pass through Tennessee. Make your way into Kentucky, go to Ohio, and there should be a body of water with plenty of boats. Cross the border and boom, you're only a couple hours away from Canada"

"Okay, everyone remember this information. Well.. meeting over" Rick said

I hate being alone. No one is there, you only have yourself. The worst part is that you lose hope and trust in people that you've known before.

I go back outside alone this time and I go behind a tree

"I miss you Hernandez. Why'd you have to go so soon? I thought best friends were forever" I say

I break down in tears

"You left me" I sob

"I wanted to cry when I carried you. But I couldn't, I had to be strong. My heart throbbed and shattered into a million little pieces" I cry

I take a deep breath wiping my tears. I smile, there. I finally released all my feelings. I stand up and stretch with a stress free mind.

"Hey Kid, I'm going on a run. I know you wanna go, so come on" Glenn said

"You're annoying" I smile

He scoffs

"It's my job!"

I laugh walking with him through the woods

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