Chapter 11

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I wait until the guard walks off into the distance to climb down the wall and jump heavily onto the concrete. I rub my ankle as I continue toward a different building, I wanted my shit before I investigated and made a run for it.

"You!" Someone yells

I hide in the shadows praying that they weren't talking to me

"Hey Jacob" Another man answered

The men commence in a deep conversation, giving me the chance to dip across the pathway. I listen closely before opening the door to the building, which resulted in my mini panic attack when the door creaked open. I walk into the buildings first room, it had candles and messages splattered around the room like an erratic painting. This room made me uncomfortable, was this some sort of cult?

 I'm getting the jitters being here so I search for a weapon, causing me to come up empty handed. I growl in frustration walking toward the next room, I find weapons scattered across tables that sat against the wall, along with what looked to be personal items including Ray and I's backpack sitting slumped against the wall.

"Hello gorgeous" I smile slinging my backpack over my shoulder

I look at some of the things on the tables, knifes, guns, dolls, kids toys...I didn't have a gun so I picked up two pistols, some extra ammo, one pocket knife, a machete, and a katana blade. How did people like this get all this stuff? They look too scared to search around the territory, this was defiantly fishy. As I'm looking at all the supplies lying helplessly on the fold up tables I hear an "Ehem"

I jump in surprise and turn around seeing Gareth, oh shit..

"He he, hey dad" I smile as I scratch the back of my neck nervously

Gareth doesn't answer me, instead he slowly strolls over next to me rubbing his fingers across a shot gun. He brings it up to his eyes, aiming at the wall in front of him, teasing the trigger with his finger as he softly rubs his pointer finger along the smooth surface.

"So....explain yourself since you were sleeping" He says lowly

Calm down Jasmine. You can out run almost anyone, especially Gareth. As I plan my escape in my head everything goes blurry and I realize he butted me in the head with the back off the shotgun. I get back up holding the side of my head as my feet try to steady themselves, I groan trying to see straight.

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