Chapter 23

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"She needs to come back and rest. Her voice hadn't fully recovered yet" The nurse lady said

"Can she just relax for an hour or two with us?" Maggie asked

"Two hours, then she comes right back" the nurse said leaving

"Well hopefully your voice comes back kiddo" Rick said ruffling my hair

"Don't ever try and do that again, you hear? I thought you were a goner" Uncle Daryl says looking down at me

I smile, Maggie gives me a notebook and a pen. 'But you're okay' I wrote showing Uncle Daryl. He shook his head. Ron enters the house with Carl

"You're okay!" They yell hugging me

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Carl asks sadly

"She can't son, her voice needs to recover" Rick tells Carl

"Well.... Come on, we're just hanging out if you wanna join" Ron says

I turn to Uncle Daryl and he nods. I smile walking off with them

"So.... How do you feel?" Carl asks

Crap. I left my notebook, I give Carl a thumbs up.

"We thought you weren't gonna wake up since you were out for so long" Ron said

I giggle shoving him. Ron looks at me and I shrug sticking out my tongue.

"You're still the same I see" he smiled

I shrug once more kicking at the ground sighing. I wish I had my voice, but I'm lucky I hadn't died.

"You wish you could say something, don't you?" Carl asked

I nod

"Well at least you've still got your looks and stuff. You're like Ariel" Carl said trying to cheer me up

I laugh

"Jasmine, I need your help!" Called Pete

Fear set in

"She can't talk dad, what do you need?" Ron told him

Ron looked at me when those four words fell from his mouth, he gave me a friendly smile before responding

"I need her in the nurses office, we need her to come back!" Pete said

Carl and Ron pushed me toward him despite my physical protests.

"What's wrong? My dad's a doctor, he can help you" Ron said

Pete wrapped an arm around me talking me into his office, Carl and Ron leave saying they'd come back later. I try to stay back but Pete drags me toward the building

"So you can't talk?" Pete chuckled locking the door

I back up next to the back door jiggling the handle.

"Try and escape, it's just more fun for me. I won't even need the duct tape" Pete said calmly closing the blinds

I go for the window and Pete slams me to the floor laughing sickly. I crawl for the front door's lock and Pete's foot holds me to the floor, Pete leaned down next to my ear

"Just enjoy it, no one can save you" he whispered

I feel tears picking my eyes, the salty water burning. Pete kicks me and stands up closing the curtains. A whimper escapes my lips as I try to make a sound.

"Aw, you want your Uncle. How cute, too bad he can't help, he doesn't even know what's going on" Pete said unbuckling his pants

I stand up running for the door, Pete puts me in a head lock pulling me down to the floor. My tears blur my vision as I try and fight, Pete pulls at my pants and I claw at him. Whimpers slip from my mouth as he climbs onto me.

Pete turns me on my stomach trying to remove my underwear . I crawl away from him

"Alright, we can take it slow" Pete said trapping me against the wall

Pete holds onto my waist, kissing me forcefully.

"Stop" I say in a horse dry voice

"Please" I beg

Pete takes me to the floor feeling me up as I kept my legs crossed tight

Finding Uncle DarylWhere stories live. Discover now