Chapter 19

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People cheer arising from their seats. They come up to me introducing themselves

"Hi, I'm Pete and this is my wife Jessie. And these are our sons Ron and Sam" Pete says

I shake his hand smiling and do the same to his family

"Hi, I'm Ron"

"I'm Jasmine" I smile

"You have a really pretty smile" He says

"Thank you, I like your hair" I reply as my hand reaches to mess it up

"I'm Sam!" A little boy shouts

Ron glares at his brother as I retract my hand

"Aw, you're so cute!" I gush softly pinching his cheek

"Get lost Sam" Ron says

Sam walks away sadly and I reach my hand back out messing up his hair. We talk about how we wished things were different and Carl walks over hugging me

"Hey Jasmine" He said cheerfully

"Sup" I smile

"Jeez Carl, let her breath" Ron huffs

Carl finally lets me go and I raise an eyebrow at the glare he gives Ron.

"Jasmine" Rick whistles

I walk over to him

"What's wrong s-sir?" I ask feeling intimidated

Rick lets out a chuckle looking down at me

"Just call me Rick, and there's no need to be scared of me. I just act serious a lot, nothin' to worry about. Just relax a bit" He reassures me

My mind screamed to ask in the Joker's voice 'Why so serious?' But I refrain and smile instead, Rick walks me over to a group of his friends and some others.

"She is living with us" Uncle Daryl insists

"But she'd be so cramped" Deanna argued

"Pete's family could accommodate her needs"

"I'm her fuckin' Uncle, I'm all she needs in this world" Uncle Daryl spat

"Daryl calm down" Rick said laying a hand on his shoulder

"No Rick, I finally get er' back and they take er' from me!" Uncle Daryl yells obviously frustrated

"Deanna she needs her Uncle, they've been separated for so long. What's the point of them finding each other when they're apart all over again?" Michonne said smoothly

Deanna sighed

"If you insist"

The group smiled turning to me. We walk back to their home and I place all my things in Uncle Daryl's room neatly. I go downstairs and Carl is holding a baby about one or two years old from what I could tell

"You guys have a baby?" I ask amazed

I haven't seen babies in forever. It's like they all went extinct, but then again who is crazy enough to bring a baby in this world?

"Yeah, this is my little sister Judith. Wanna hold her?" Carl asks

I rethink my decision but Carl places her in my arms, Judith looks at me and smiles bursting into screams and giggles. I hold her close closing my eyes, mentally taking a picture of this moment. Carol comes in and takes Judith because she says it's her bed time and I'm getting her riled up.

"Dinner is ready" Uncle Daryl says

"Carol invited Pete's family over" He finished rolling his eyes

I follow him into the kitchen and the only seat available is in between Pete and Uncle Daryl. I sit down happily and start a conversation with Carl and Ron about video games as the food has not yet been served.

I feel a touch on my knee and I am startled by it. I look up at Pete and his hand is on my knee as he talks to Sasha, Glenn, and Maggie. I don't want to assume anything so I continue laughing and talking with my new friends Carl and Ron. But Pete's hand trails up, sliding his hand up and down from my knee to my thigh. My heart begins to race but I continue to talk to Ron as if nothing were wrong

Finding Uncle DarylOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz