Chapter 22

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I fall to the ground and the gunman is shot in the head. I stand up and Uncle Daryl's face is white

" I'm okay" I smile weakly at everyone

I collapsed to the floor holding the bleeding wound in my stomach. Uncle Daryl held a cloth to the wound and I scream in pain


" It's gone be alright baby, shh" he said tears on the edge of spilling


Rick pulls Uncle Daryl away and I am rushed to a room

People stand around me looking

" Am I gonna die?" I ask quietly

The woman looked at me not answering.

" I'm so sorry" she said before plunging into my wound

Glenn, Rick, Michonne, and Maggie hold me down as I scream and cry for her to stop. I could feel myself getting ready to pass out

" Goodbye" I smile weakly

" She's been out for a month, I think we should just....."

" No, we are not letting her go!" Rick said through his teeth
I open my eyes and I squeeze them closed again because of the light burning them. I sit up looking around, Rick had his head down and I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or just sitting in that position. I tried to speak but no sound comes out

"Mm" I croak

I stand up putting a hand on his shoulder. Ricks head snapped up

"Jasmine!" He beamed hugging me

He picked me up running past the lady and he ran all the way to his groups home. Rick opened the door with me in his arms

"Jasmine!" Glenn smiled

Everyone gathered around me and I stood up

"How are you feeling?" Sasha asked

I open my mouth to say 'good' but a hoarse voice replies. I look up at everyone and they all have worried expressions on their faces.

"Is this some sort of joke?" Eugene asked seriously

I try to say it's not but it can't come out, I feel sad that I can't talk since that's the thing I love doing most. Uncle Daryl walks through the door and cheers when he looks at me. He swings me into the air and I smile giggling.

"I knew you'd get better baby girl" he smiled setting me down

"Daryl you should know something" Rosita said

His face dropped looking at me

"What?" He asked seriously

"Her voice needs a little time, maybe she needs some water" Rick frowned

Uncle Daryl looked at me before the front door opened.

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