Chapter 38

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**a month later**

Everyone has played a part in building our new home. We have exactly three days until the herd is here. I'm so scared, but Rick has been trying to sound proof our house. And it's working, we think it's enough until the herd passes.

It's so good that you can't hear Judith crying, and that's loud. Carl and I haven't had the time to talk about what he did and I don't want to. Uncle Daryl told me I better not get pregnant, so did Glenn. Rick just have me a taunting look, and Abraham said to get some dick. Rosita slapped his arm 'What?' She shook her head


I stir in my sleep


I crack open my eyes and see dark brown hair

"Uncle Daryl?" I mumble

"No, it's... It's Carl"

I rub my eyes

"What's up?" I ask

"Sasha, Glenn, and Maggie snore. Can I sleep with you?"

He is really getting on my nerves

"Sure, whatever" I mumble turning away from him

The blanket lifts up and he scoots in next to me. I roll my eyes and close them

"Sorry if I'm bothering you"

"No it's fine, I hate snoring too" I say

Carl smiles and I go back to sleep

"Your son is pretty close to my niece"

"Well I ain't tell him to come in here"

"I think it's cute"

"They're kids!"

"They are growing up"

I open my eyes

"Woah" I say pulling Carl's arms from around me

Not cool bro. I see everyone with raised eyebrows and Uncle Daryl looks at me

"Don't look at me, I only said he could sleep in here because he said people were snoring. We are not in a relationship, he's my friend" I insist

"Yeah, boyfriend" Glenn snickered

I cross my arms

"You know what, as long as I know there's nothing between us I don't care what you think" I say

Everyone leaves and I sigh looking at Carl, we are just friends. I reach down to shake him and he pulled me down laughing. I almost punched him, he scared the shit out of me

"Morning" I say glaring at him

"Good morning" he laughed

I push his head and stand up. This tree house is amazing, I'm happy Rick agreed

"You are such an ass" I reply

"Jeez, it was just a joke" he breathed

I want to laugh but I just sigh.

"I know, I just need some air" I say

I walk out the small room and into the main space everyone talked in

"I need some air" I state

"I'll take you" Glenn and Maggie offered

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