Chapter 8

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F-Father? I can see Ray tense up in the corner of my eye.

"Hey Jay, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ray asks pulling me away from the women

"Yeah" I say

I watch as Gareth glances at us from his group of surrounding friends

"We gotta get out of here, we gotta escape" Ray whispered to me

I nod

"Did you hear what they said?" I ask looking over at Gareth

"Gareth is your dad, how......weird" Ray said

"Kids!" Someone calls

Ray and I groan before walking over to the group

"Yes?" We ask

"You have new parents!" A woman gushed cupping our chins as she smiled brightly

I gulp and silently start thinking of a plan to get the hell out of here. These people are in-fucking-sane if they think for two seconds we're staying here

"New parents? Can you believe it Jasmine? We get a new loving family" Ray gasps

He could've been an actor, he almost made me believe the horrifying words that toppled out his mouth. Though I already know this is an act, I'm going to have a hard time playing along.

"Jasmine, your dad is.....Gareth!" A woman told me

I smile trying to hold back the gigantic sob, but Dixons don't cry.

"And Ray..... You get Chris!"

A man comes over to Ray slapping an arm over Ray's shoulder as a woman comes over smiling

"And I'm your mom"

Ray smiles as well pulling himself a little closer to the man. Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up, goes through my head as I walk over to Gareth.

"Jay you should be happy. We have families now, and maybe their not as bad as we think" Ray says

I giggle

"Are you sure you wouldn't have wanted to be an actor?"

Ray's face darkens in a serious way

"You should be happy. For once we are safe, and maybe you shouldn't take that for granted" He tells me as a glare from him is sent my way

Ray walks off with his new 'family' leaving me with Gareth as everyone else piles out. My mouth hangs open at his words "And maybe you shouldn't take that for granted" I begin to murmur to myself like a crazy person. What has happened to him?

"What did you do?" I ask Gareth pointing a finger in his direction

"Nothing. Maybe your friend has actually realized what a sanctuary this is" Gareth smirks

I start to shake my head as I back up toward the door. I turn around running after my delusional friend

"RAY!" I scream

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