Chapter 16

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"We don't want any trouble" Glenn says

"DROP THE WEAPONS!" Major shouts

We all drop our things

"Hands behind your back" Josh commands

Our wrists are bonded with plastic ties

"Now girl. You have escaped plenty of times, but oh no, not this time" Mark laughed sickly

"You are a disgusting asshole, no more than the dirt I walk on" I say grinding my teeth

Josh pats down Glenn, Mark pats down Nicholas, and-

"Don't touch me" I warn

Major shoves me to the ground and I lay on my back, hair sprawled messily across the dirty floor. Major presses a knife to my throat

"Hey! She's just a kid man" Glenn reasons

Three gun shots go off and the men fall

"Always the women that save the day" A pretty dark-skinned woman with long dreads says

"I'm surprised you didn't go all samurai" Glenn jokes

"Rick says I need more practice, just in case another Terminus incident happens" She shrugs

"Who is the girl?" She asks looking at me

"We found her a little bit back there, we were heading back toward the car" Nicholas explains

The woman smiles at me

'I'm Michonne. Black samurai"

I laugh nervously

"I-I'm Jasmine"

She laughs at my nervousness a little before slicing the plastic ties off of us. We get into the car and begin to drive, so I decide to sleep


"Wake up" Glenn says

I yawn and get out of the car stretching, I look in front of me and see a big wall going around a perimeter, a big sturdy gate, and a man opening them

"Who is this?" He asks with a southern accent

"Her name is Jasmine, we found her in the woods and we brought her back here" Glenn says

"What about er' folks" The man asks

"She says she's been alone out there for months" Nicholas says

I wave and the man eyes me, making me uncomfortable

"How old are you?" He asks

"I'm uh thirteen um..sir" I stutter

He nods

"How long have-"

"Rick, do we have to ask her the questions now?" Michonne complains

Rick looks at me again sighing deeply before opening the gates. I walk in slowly as people file out of their homes to look at me. I recognize a man with a cross bow slung lazily around his shoulder and a matching leather jacket to mine.

"UNCLE DARYL!!" I scream

Uncle Daryl looks over from the woman with short grey hair and runs toward me as I do the same. We collide with each other and I burst into sobs

"I m-missed y-you s-so much!" I sob loudly as I surly crunch his body with the pressure from my embrace

I hear him crying which I had never witnessed before so I cry harder

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