Chapter 21

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I wake up curled in a ball buried in Uncle Daryl's chest. I get up and head for the bathroom, but Carl is already inside brushing his teeth

"You can come in" He said as toothpaste dribbled down his chin

I laugh stepping in and I brush my teeth with Carl. I grab a wide tooth comb and Carl interjects

"Can I comb it?" Carl asked eagerly

"I was gonna comb it when I went downstairs, but yeah. Do you know how to braid?" I ask

He nods smiling happily. We wash our faces going downstairs, no one was awake yet since it was pretty early. Carl sits on the couch and I sit on the floor in between his legs, he begins combing gently through my hair

"You won't hurt me Carl, just pull. It's what I've always done, and I still have long hair" I say

Carl finally finished combing it and made a side part. He asked for the hair tie I had on my wrist and I gave it to him, he tied up one side of my hair and braided the other. Doing the same thing on the other side

"Who braided your hair?" Maggie asked sitting next to me as everyone listened in on our conversation

"Carl did" I smile

Daryl and Rick looked over at a blushing Carl with an amused look on their faces

"I love it, now it won't be flying all over. I forgot to thank him, so thanks" I grin

Carl nods looking down at his plate. I finish my food a couple minutes later and head outside with Carl at my side

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you" I say looking over at him

"You didn't embarrass me! I just..... felt weird when you said you loved it" he mumbled

I watch Uncle Daryl leave through the gate and I shrug it off, he'll be back.

"I miss my home" I blurt out

" Where did you live before you came down South?" Carl asked walking beside me

"I lived in New York, about seven hours away from New York City" I say

He nods and I hear someone yell. Carl and I run outside the gate and a man is pointing a gun at Uncle Daryl who has his arms up. It all happened in slow motion, I ran over to step in front of Uncle Daryl ignoring the yells that came from Carl. I pushed Uncle Daryl and a gun shot went off


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