Chapter 24

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"Pete, open the goddamn door!" Rick yelled jiggling the knob

Pete continues kissing me

"Rick, help me" I cry softly

Pete gets angry punching me in my stomach telling me to shut up

"Jasmine!" Glenn and Uncle Daryl yell

Pete kicks me over and over and over in my side

"Help me!" I call louder than before

Pete keeps trying to uncross my legs as he kisses me violently. I cry in pain as his nails dig into my inner thigh, the kicks and punches hurt like hell. I scream as loud as I can when he pulls himself in between my legs, and the door comes down. Just in time.

Uncle Daryl and Rick start to beat the living shit out of Pete and Glenn picks me up, he squeezes me reassuringly. I whimper from the pain and he apologizes

"It's okay, I just want to go home" I mumble

"Close the door, we need a moment" Rick said as Uncle Daryl's fist collides with Pete's jaw

Glenn shields my eyes closing the door behind us. I break down into tears

"I wish I was dead!" I cry

"Don't say that" Glenn cooed

"Everywhere I go something happens. Glenn am I bad luck?" I sniff

"No sweetheart, some people are just.. sick. Most people nowadays are, and that's why it's harder and harder for kids like you to survive. They think you are venerable, so they take advantage of you. They don't realize that what they did sticks with you forever. But we saved you from that, some aren't so lucky and they don't get to leave with their um.... Virginity. But you, you're still pure thank God" Glenn sighed

Glenn carries me into the house and everyone stares

"What the hell, why is she in her underwear Glenn!?" Abraham yelled as Eugene looked away

"It was Pete. He tried to....." Glenn trailed off

"That piece of shit" Abraham sneered storming out the door

Maggie and Rosita took me to the bathroom

"Are you okay sweetie?" Maggie

I nod

"Rick, Uncle Daryl, and Glenn came and saved me before he could do anything" I whisper as I sat in the tub

"Good..... Thank God" Maddie said washing my hair

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know what it's like not to escape" Rosita said kissing my forehead

"I think they're gonna kill him" I sniff

"They should" Maggie said harshly

"He's a woman beater" Rosita frowned

Right now I'm still in shock, the scene plays over and over in my head. The beating, the molestation, and when he told me no one was coming for me.... That hurt the most

Maggie wrapped me in a towel giving me a hug and Rosita wrapped her arm around me walking to my room. She gave me my old clothes that looked freshly washed and a kiss on the cheek. I felt clean, and I made sure to wash my face.

I get dressed and sit at the window, trying to think of something else. I don't think I'll be the same for a little while, especially since all the situations I've been in are sinking in. And I just need some time to think and be alone.

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