Chapter 9

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I run through Terminus looking for Ray but I can't find him.... why me? Why today? I suck up my emotions, pushing past people that roam aimlessly and I enter a building.


"Oh sweetie what's wrong?" A woman asks me

Just then my stomach growls making me realize I never ate that sandwich. I feel my cheeks burn as I turn away from the lady that chuckles at me

"You must be hungry, come on then don't just stand there" She smiled walking down the hallway

"Aren't you Ray's mom?" I ask as I trail behind the lady

"Yes, aren't you Gareth's daughter?" She questions

"I guess" I mumble to myself

"Hm?" She hums

"Uh..Yeah" I say looking behind me

"Might I say you are a gorgeous young girl" She further states

"Thank you, you're pretty too" I say back

I follow the lady to the apartment and we walk in.

"I'm going to make us some sandwiches, is that okay?" She asks me smiling

"Yeah, definitely" I say smiling back

When she leaves I take this chance to walk around, searching for Ray's room. I reach the second door and as I reach for the knob I hear a 'Ehem'

"Can I help you?" Ray asks raising an eyebrow

Then anger surges through me

"You've changed, and I don't know why. What's wrong with you?" I ask frantically reaching for his hand

"Back off Jasmine" He says rudely pushing me

"This is not how you treat a friend, do you not remember being starved?" I continue

"You are NOT my friend, just because you don't take a good opportunity when you have the chance to doesn't mean I'll follow you  like a sheep. This is my home now Jasmine, this could be your home too. Our home" Ray says seriously

"Ray.." I trail off

"You invited your friend for dinner. How thoughtful" Ray's "Dad" Chris chuckles putting an arm around Ray

"I was actually just uh...going home. I think I'll take mine to go please" I tell Chris scratching the back of my neck

"Well you both have had a long day, we'll pack you a dinner to take home" Chris says patting my head

I nod as he walks away

"Just take some time to think about it" Ray tells me as he lays a hand on my shoulder

"I already have"

Ray's eyes glow in excitement

"Really?" He asks

"Yeah, and I think it's best for the both of us. The people here are amazing, they work hard, they're loving individuals, plus you're here. What other choice could there be?" I smile

"So what do say?" Ray asks

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