Chapter 29

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Reggie took Hernandez and I to the garden on top of the roof. Reggie shows us what to do and Hernandez looks at me along with Reggie

"You should get some ice on that" he says

"It's fine, really" I insist smiling even though it did hurt a little

"But Jasmine, it's so... Red" Hernandez frowns

"Okay look, I didn't enjoy it so can we just finish this work. I honestly don't like being slapped around like a fucking toy" I sigh frustrated

I hope Carl, Judith, and Spencer are okay

"You're right" Reggie agreed

I don't know how to let out all my emotions right now so I just tug at my hair gently, that's all I can do even though it doesn't help. Carter comes in and looks at Reggie angrily

"What's this!?" Carter yells tossing the plants to the floor

Poor Reggie can't form his words and Carter slams him into the table

"Leave Reggie alone! We're doing the best we can, it's not like you do any work around here!" I yell

"Go outside girls, Reggie and I need to have a talk" Carter growled

"Jasmine, just wait outside. Please" Reggie begged

Hernandez pulled me outside

"What about Reggie?" I ask

She sighs shaking her head

"You need to learn to shut up sometimes, and not intervene. You should've let Troy slap me" She says

"Hernandez, I wasn't going to stand and watch you get hurt" I tell her

"It was my fault, not yours. Just try to be a little less brave" she told me

Reggie yells as Carter pushes him toward the edge of the building. I run toward Reggie

"Reggie!" I shout

As I reach out for him Carter pushes him over the edge and I trip, my finger tips brushing against his as he takes his final breath. I lay on the edge clenching my hands as I stare at his lifeless body. A sob racks through my body as I stand up

"Go" he tells Hernandez

She leaves and I fall to my knees crying, Carter puts an arm around me pulling me into him. He strokes my hair

"Y-you killed Reggie" I cry

"He was weak. He's not like us" Carter said

Carter walked me back to the group and I hugged Uncle Daryl

"What did he do?" Uncle Daryl asked holding me close

"He k-killed Reggie" I sobbed

"Who is she to you?" Carter asked

"She's his niece" Rick said glaring at him

I can feel Carter's stare burn into me and Uncle Daryl wiped away my tears

"We're Dixons, you know the rule" he chuckles

I laugh a little sniffing, I let him wipe my tears away and I took a deep breath as Uncle Daryl places a kiss on my forehead. Carter leaves and the guards stand outside the gate

"We have to get out of here, we have to make a plan tomorrow night" Rick said

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