Chapter 18

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"Young lady, every life is precious. You didn't have to kill them" A man said looking deep into my eyes scaring me

"Don't listen to him" Michonne said glaring at him

"You're teaching her wrong, you have to start while they're young" He continued

"He's gone crazy, don't listen to him" Uncle Daryl whispered in my ear

I nod

"Well, we should be goin', Deanna's party should be starting soon" Rick stated standing up

Everyone gets up and we file out of the door, I jump on Uncle Daryl's back earning a chuckle from him

"I love you Uncle Daryl" I smile giving him a kiss on the cheek

"I love you too darlin'" He laughed

We enter the backyard and all eyes are on me, I stare back at the people scared they wouldn't like me. Uncle Daryl walk over to the front of the backyard putting me down

"These people like stories, so pick and choose what you tell........Did you just fart?" Uncle Daryl whispered in my ear

I begin to laugh and giggle pushing him away, Uncle Daryl strolled back over to his group watching

"Tonight we welcome, Daryl's niece, Jasmine. And from what I can tell you love your Uncle very much, is that true?" She smiles, the wrinkles pouring through

I smile, nodding my head shyly

"So what were some things you enjoyed before the outbreak?" Deanna asked

I took a deep breath before speaking

"I ran track for five years" I smile remembering all of my old friends

"Tell us about your family and friends" She pushed

"I had two best friends, Ray and Hernandez, they were the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Even though we did dangerous and stupid things all the time, but that was the best part. Ray found my Uncle and I but....I currently don't know his situation" I frown

"What about your other friend?" A woman called from the small crowd

"I don't know, I saw her a week before the outbreak" I say

"How did you survive?" A man asks

"Well I survived with my Uncle about 2 months in until I was kidnapped with my best friend. When I escaped I lived in a tree right in front of a church and-" I see a familiar face...Gabriel

"YOU'LL BURN FOR THIS" Screams in my head

"And one lonely day Glenn and Nicholas found me. Then I found my Uncle" I smile

"How old are you?" Deanna questions

"I am thirteen" I answer

"Welcome to your new home" Deanna smiled proudly


"Alexandria" Deanna finishes

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