I ruffle my hair with my hand, "Well that's more than I've ever done for her"

Isn't it better that she has someone to help her, to hold her hand, to be by her side in this darkest time of her life? With everything that's going on?

"You should stay way," David says out of the blues.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"I've been noticing you, seeing what you're doing" David continues, I cringe internally at his words. "I've been seeing you in the crowd for all our last gigs, and tonight Vick noticed you as well. You have to stop"

"I....." what do I say to that!?

"You need to back off and leave her alone, your presence will only further hurt not help her" David jabs his finger in my chest. "And I can bet cold hard cash that she's gonna be hammering all night tonight."

David's whole expression glowed with hatred and malice, he leans back and says vehemently, "And if Kevin was actually the man she needed, he'd have noticed and done something about it!"

"Hold up, say what now?" I ask with alittle bit of hop sparkling within me.

David grumbles to himself, as if deciding as to whether to tell me or not. He scoffs and then shrugs in submission, "I'll be the first to admit, Kevin isn't really...the best choice for Vick."

I couldn't help the burst of joy that filled me, "So you're saying there's a chance!?" I grab onto his shoulders.

"For a nice, good guy? Yes. For you? Never." he peels his hands off me and shoves me back.

"May I ask why Kevin isn't the 'best choice' for Vick? As you put it," I ask mischievously.

Kevin frowns and growls at me, "You just want me to bad mouth Kevin don't you?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Forget it! He's my bandmate and friend, go look for gossip elsewhere" David shooed me away.

"If you really values him as such a 'friend' you wouldn't have said he wasn't the best choice for Vick" I counter.

"Would you stop saying that!" David snarls.

"What? That he isn't the best choice for Vick?" I sorry, but I'll never get tired of saying that. "Why?"

"Cause whether he is or isn't," David says, "That's not my decision to make nor is it my call."

"You're dancing around my question," I remind him.

David slams his fist against the back alley wall. "I'll tell you if you leave Vick alone!"

That sobered me up, I stuff my hands in my pockets and looked at David square in the eye. "Look, all nonsense aside. I know that me being around Vick is a stupid move, after all that I've done to her. And I know I'm the last person on earth she'll ever want to see till the day she dies."

And maybe even a couple of centuries after that.

"But despite what she believes or what you think my motives are. I really do care about Vick, I want the best for her....I-I..." I cleared my throat. "I love her."

There, I said it. To another human being. It's out there and I couldn't take it back. I wouldn't take it back. Ever.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" David explodes. He makes to jump at me but I dodged him. "Now you realize this! NOW!?" He swipes an uppercut kick at me but I flip out of the way. "You inconsiderate jerk!!! Even if what you're saying was true, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!"

Oooooooh, he was right!

Shit! Why am I like this? Is it my primary programming to be selfish, thoughtless and inconsiderate?

"Urgh! What's wrong with me!?" I hold my head and yell at myself. "Flame on!" I cry as I take off into the night as David takes one last jump at me and lands in the trash.

I wanted to turn around and tell David I was sorry, sorry for everything, sorry for me even being born. But I couldn't, I didn't have the guts too.


It was 3 a.m by the time I got back to the Baxter Building. I'd been sitting on the Statue of Liberty just staring out at the water for hours, trying to think how my life had gotten this messed up.

I throw open my bedroom door and stomp over to my bed, I throw my jacket on the floor and take off my top. I crawl into the bed and give out loud exhale, finally glad the night was over.

As if on cue I feel a soft warm feminine arm come around me and hold onto my side.

"Hey bae" I hear the oh-so soft voice say sleepily.

I reach over and hold her hand. "Go back to sleep" I coo her.

She digs her face into my back and I am forced to turn around and look at her, her voluminous golden hair tangling about everywhere. Something that always irritated the both of us.

"Hmm, okay" she says listlessly, she turns around and instantly goes back to sleep. "I love you Johnny..."

I cough lightly to myself, "Ahem, you too Brigitte"


Author's Note

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I just wanted to kick off 2016 with a brand new bang spanking chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment! And also stay awesome!

Lots of love from me to you! Let's have a wonderful year!

~Ya Gal Vicky!

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now