Chapter Sixteen

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Little shout out to the Person who suggested this HanjiTheShipper your idea stuck out to me thank you for the idea! I hope I went about it correctly. Although is is a short chapter it won't matter cause I have a ton of ideas for future chapters! And I would love it if you guys would comment some ideas also on what you would like to read. When this story is finished, which isn't any time soon. I am going to go back and edit the whole thing, I started this story awhile ago when I first started writing in general, I think I've come along way in terms of writing my story. Anyhow so yeah I'm going do some heavy editing in case anyone would want to re-read it or if someone new comes along. Thank you for enjoying my story it means a lot XD


Three months had past and still (F/N) remains in this coma, slowly we all began to give up hope that she'll ever recover. Although I didn't want to let her go, I knew that it was for the best, I had already lost all my squad and friends, what's one more?

I sat in the room with Hanji, and Erwin as the doctors began to unhook her. Hanji silently cried into Erwin's shoulder as we slowly saw as her breathing stopped and her chest laid flat. I looked over at Hanji, she was such a strong person emotionally, to see her be so broken is truly sad. I watched as Erwin's eye brows furred together as he also began to cry. These two knew her for such a long time, and then I came and separated them. It's just like when Isabel and Farlan were eavesdropping and they said they were like a family. I sighed this is to depressing for me.

I stood up and walked out of the room as if the women I loved wasn't dead. I leaned against the wall beside the closed door.

"Levi." A voice called out, I looked over to where it was coming from.

(F/N) stood at the end of the hallway calling me over. My eyes widened but I quickly rub my eyes and look back to see nothing. I sighed and looked down. I don't have the ability to cry right now, when it's needed I can't produce it. The door beside me opened and Hanji and Erwin came out, using each other to balance.

After them, the doctors rolled out (F/N) who was being covered by her blanket. I looked away as they rolled past me.

"Sir, we're going to bury here, please come." One of the nurses who were following behind them spoke.

"Tch." I followed them outside to a tree that sat in the middle of the field.

A hole was dug out for (F/N), rose petals covered the bottom of it. I looked away as they placed her in it; this can't be real.

"(F/N)..." Erwin began to speak, "You were an amazing, friend, solider, and companion. We got into a fare amount of fights, over planing for a expedition, or our relationship. I should have been more understanding and caring when you denied me love. I love you (F/N) we all do." I bawled my fist up until it turned white. I gritted my teeth tight.

They began to cover her, the cries from Hanji and Erwin could be heard from a mile way. We began to hear coughing, hard coughing. Everyone went silent and we heard it coming from the grave.

"(F-F/N)..." I stuttered looking over into the grave. She had slowly began to sit up and look around, blinking every so often. I stepped into the grave and hugged her tightly.

"I knew you'd keep your promise." I whispered.

"You buried me?" She asked upset. I looked over at Erwin who was holding the past out Hanji.

"(F/N) you were in a coma for three months." I said coldly. "We had to give up on you sometime."

"I'm alive aren't I?" She replied, tears welling up. "I would never give you up so fast!" She screamed. I just hugged her, tighter than ever.

"Please, we can fight later." I added as she tried to pull me off I only held tighter. "I'm not letting you go, not again."

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