"Uhm, well I bought it a couple of years ago from a friend but it came at a hard price since the physical copies are so scarce", I scratched my head awkwardly, blushing.

"Ooohh. But really, it's awesome that you still have it. I might have to borrow it from you sometime....If that's okay with you.", he smiled, showing me his perfectly white set of teeth.

"Yeah, sure. It's alright. You can take it now....if you want.", I blushed.

"I would love that. Thanks so much. I'll return it back in a few days...in one piece, that's for sure. And thanks for the cake too", he immediately noticed I had been holding the plate all along and collected it from me.

"You're welcome.", I replied, the tint, still ever present in my cheeks.

We sat down and he quickly dug into the dessert, cutting a generous piece of the cake and popping in his mouth. A delectable moan escaped his lips as he closed his eyes and slowly savoured the cake, causing a shiver to run through my body. I would have never thought that such an innocent act of eating could immediately set my body on fire. This boy was doing things to me that my heart couldn't handle.

"Oh my gosh, this is....amazing. When Brenda and the girls said your baking was to die for, I didn't believe them, until now, that is. I would truly die for a piece of this.", he laughed causing me to do the same.

"Thanks. I try my best. This is a recently developed talent. I never used to be this good in the kitchen. It was my old neighbor that taught me how to bake. She and her family occupied your house before you guys moved in. I was so glad they moved out. That family was a nightmare to me and everyone else in this neighborhood."

"Oh. I know exactly what you mean, trust me. I had a really annoying senior roommate in my freshman year. He always talked too much and never knew when to shut up. He drove me crazy. I was so glad when he graduated."

I laughed at that. We continued to talk for awhile and he told me some things about him, like how he wanted to work as an accountant in a big firm, as well of some of his other interests. As it turned out, we had quite a lot of things in common. I told him some things about me too. Although I didn't open up too much, I did tell him a few simple things, about my family, where I worked as well as what I like to do for fun. It felt really natural to talk to him. I felt like I had known him for years and we even managed to avoid any uncomfortable subjects such as our sexuality or relationships.

"Oh my gosh, you are hilarious.", he laughed at some stupid joke I made about mouthwash. The little conversation we had really spoke a lot about his as a person. He wasn't the cocky jerk or asshole that he first came off as. He was really a nice, outgoing guy. I didn't know what made him blow up like he did at the barbeque but I didn't ask about it because I was too afraid it would dampen the good rapport we had finally established. I was just relieved we were finally on good terms and I was happy to leave it at that.

"Oh my gosh, it's gotten kinda late. I had better go. Brenda must be worried by now. She probably thinks one of us is dead and the other is digging a hole to hide the body. To be honest, I am kinda surprised that they didn't form a search party and bust the door down already.", We laughed, as he got up and headed for the door with me following suit. "Thanks again for the cake, Zak, and for forgiving me. I'm really glad we we're able to put it behind us."

"Me too.", I smiled looking up to meet his eyes. We started at each other for a while before I snapped out of it, blushing and averting my gaze.

"I guess I'll be going now.", he smiled.

"Yeah. And tell Brenda and the girls to come over for cake, maybe tomorrow. I would give you some to take to them but it will be difficult to wrap up the cake with the melted chocolate in it."

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