4. Hogwarts Express

Comenzar desde el principio

 "Sure dear. Just don't be out too long. You have to go to bed soon since you have school tomorrow," She said. I nodded before going outside and leaned against a tree. I needed a break from all that commotion inside. When I was at home everything wasn't as productive. Soon enough I felt a presence next to me. I looked and saw it was Fred.
"Hey Fred," I said.

"Hey what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Just thinking," I replied.
"What about?

"Mum, Dad, my brother, wondering if the person I like likes me back," I replied.

"Who do you like?" Fred asked.
"I'd rather not say," I replied looking down in embarrassment.

"Come on Mad. I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything,"  he said.
"No, I don't wanna say," I said.

"Okay then. I'll leave you to your thoughts," he said before turning around and starting to walk away. "Hey Freddie, wait up. I was just about to head in myself," I said. 

We went inside and everyone was getting ready for bed. Fred and George persuaded me to sleep in their room again. I grabbed my pyjamas and toothbrush and headed to the bathroom. I changed into my pj's and brushed my teeth before heading back into the room.

"Have you guys packed your trunks?" I asked.

"Probably should do that," George said.

 The boys grabbed everything the needed and shoved it into their trunks. I had already packed mine so I was set to go and didn't have to do anything last minute. It was pretty funny that they were two year levels older than me and we were best friends. Soon enough everyone went into their beds and fell asleep.

I leaned against a tree, admiring the starry night. I looked behind me to see the one and only, Fred Weasley. He shuffled over to my left and grabbed my hand, admiring the stars with me.
"Beautiful, isn't it," Fred said.

"Yeah it's such a starry night,"  I replied.
"No, I was talking about you," he said cheekily.
 I looked down, blushing. He lifted my chin and kissed me passionately. I felt fireworks. It was like a kiss in a movie.

"Be mine," he said. "Always," I replied.
 "I love you Maddy."

"I love you t-"

"Maddy! Wake up! We have school today!" the twins yelled in my face, snapping me out of my marvelous dream.

"Aw, I was having an awesome dream and you guys woke me up as soon as the good part was happening," I complained.

"Aw, poor Maddy. I bet it was about a boy," George teased.

"No, it was that we were playing Quidditch and Dumbledore was about to announce who had won the Quidditch House Cup," I lied.
"Whatever," they replied before heading downstairs. I quickly grabbed some shorts and a tee shirt and headed to the bathroom to get changed. After I went downstairs and ate some toast. Once I was done, I grabbed my trunk and Hendrix's cage. Soon enough we headed to Kings Cross Train station. We had reached the barrier and I had run through the barrier first followed by Fred, then George, then Hermione, then Ron, Then Harry, then Ginny and Mr and Mrs Weasley.

Once we got onto Platform 9 ¾ we said our goodbyes. We soon boarded onto the train. I picked a compartment that would consist of Fred, George, Lee and I since Hermione, Ron and Harry wanted to talk about what had happened at the Quidditch World Cup alone. We all sat down. I sat next to Lee and across from Fred.

"So Maddy, would you like to help us prank Filch tomorrow morning?" Fred asked me.
"Sure why not. What's the prank?" I replied.

 "Well we were thinking to put dye on his tooth brush so his teeth would turn a funny colour,"George said.
"That is gonna be awesome. You should make his teeth like Purple or something," I replied.
"Well we were thinking pink," Lee said.

"Imagine his face when he notices his teeth are pink," I said.
Everyone laughed, trying to imagine is face.

 "Have you tried to put dye in a shampoo bottle so their hair changes colour?" I asked.
"No but that would be awesome! Should we do that to Filch as well?" George asks.

 "No. Do it to Snape and make it rainbow or something," I suggested.
"I can totally picture Snape with rainbow hair," Lee said, laughing.
"What's so funny Blood Traitors, that's right Maddy you too. Not just the Weasley's", Malfoy said, walking into our compartment.

"Shove off, you git", I said to him sassily.
 "Whatever. See you later Traitors", he said walking away.
"Bloody git," I heard Fred say under his breath.

"Don't worry about him, Maddy. He's probably just jealous of our awesomeness," George said to cheer me up.
"You're damn right," I replied.
Soon enough Hermione comes in to remind us that we have to change into our robes. I grab my robes from my trunk and go to the bathroom to change. When I come back I see the boys have changed as well.

Twenty minutes later we arrived to Hogwarts. I hoped off the train and saw all the little first years lining up in front of Hagrid.

"All Firs' Year's. This way!" I heard Hagrid yell.  
Everyone was in groups waiting for a carriage. When we got into the carriage I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Maddy. Do you mind if I join you guys? My friends left without me", My Slytherin brother, Daniel asked.

"Why should I let you?" I asked.

"Because I'm your brother and family should stick together."

"Well I don't even live with you guys anymore if you haven't noticed", I replied bluntly.

"I know. Why exactly is that?" He asks.
"Fine, get in. I'll explain on the way to the castle."

Dan entered the carriage and off we went.

"Okay Dan. You know how I got put into Gryffindor," I say. He nods.
"Mum and Dad wanted me in Slytherin with you. Since I didn't they tried to persuade Dumbledore to change my house but he said no, so when I got home Mum and Dad started hurting me- emotionally and psychically. I ran away and the Weasley's let me stay with them," I explained.

 "Oh, really! I never knew. I'm so sorry. I have another question. If you're a year older than me how come we are in the same year level?" He asked.
"Oh, I think Mum and Dad wanted us to go to Hogwarts at the same time. I know Mum and Dad convinced Dumbledore to let me be in first year instead of second year", I said.

 "Oh," was all he said.
The rest of the carriage ride was silent. Once we got the castle Dan went off with his friends and we made our way to the Great Hall. The Great Hall was as it normally was at the start of the year, Four long tables representing each house and another long one for the teachers horizontally in front of the tables. All the teachers were there except Hagrid who was with the first years.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table in between Fred and Hermione. Suddenly the doors opened and all the small first years were being lead into the hall. They all lined up and one at a time sat upon a stool to have to Sorting Hat placed upon their head. We had received a few Gryffindor's. Now that the sorting was done it was time for the feast. Suddenly many plates and platters appeared on the tables with a large amount of food on them. Everyone started digging in. I looked over at Ron who was shoving massive pieces of food in his mouth.
"Geez Ronald, could you put more food in your mouth?" I joke.
"Meah," he replies with food still in his mouth.
"Sorry didn't catch ya," I teased. He swallows his food.
"I said 'yeah'", he answered.
 I just rolled my eyes at him playfully and continue eating. Suddenly the desserts appeared and we started filling ourselves up on them. Once everyone was full the plates cleared and Dumbledore came to speak.

A/N- Hello guys! How was that chapter? I tried to make it long. So Do you guys reckon I should add Daniel a lot more to the Story? Comment what you think! And remember that if you have any idea's for this story let me now. If you have any feed back or constructive criticism please let me know! I will try to update every 1-3 days. I'm on holidays right now but only for 3 more days :(! I love writing so I will update as often as I can when I'm back at school!

See Ya!


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