Chapter 17

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I'm sorry, but still here is a super short update... The song for this chapter is What It Is by Kodaline and I really suggest listening to the song while reading... I don't own anything

Just as expected we had won the competition by a solid five point difference between us and the other band. The long ride back home that night at nearly eleven at night was chaotic yet one of the best memories I think I'll ever have. I knew that the band could get pretty loud and excited about different things but I never in a million years could have imagined what happened that night. Chanting, screaming, dancing, and singing all took place. You could hear each bus erupt as the drum majors and band director stepped onto the bus with the trophy before we left for home. Hundreds of pictures were taken by various sections and groups of friends as we proudly made our way back to the buses. Each member of the band carried their wand high and proud in the air and after we had been announced the winner we all joined in to form a huddle with our wands pointed above our heads in victory. My favorite part of the whole night was the choruses of band students singing We Are the Champions the whole two hour ride home.

On the long, yet exhilarating, ride home I was sad to find that Jude and I didn't repeat the same actions from the drive to the competition, we were both too excited about our extreme success to worry about each other. Saying that, I was taken home from the school by Brandon, Mariana, and Jude, all three of them waiting for me to send Jude a text saying I wasn't in trouble with my dad. When I first entered the house I could feel my heart pounding against my ribs in fear that my dad was waiting and ready to chew me out for being home so late. I'm sad to say that I was fully prepared to make up a lie about how I had been out getting wasted and making out with girls. Fully searching my house I found a note on my father's bed. Of course I was surprised that the man actually had enough decency to leave a note letting me know where he was.

I had an emergency and had to leave town, should be back by Tuesday. Don't you even try to bring any fags into this house

Reading my father's words I lost any bit of respect or trust I still had for him. Not only did he insult me but he directly admitted that he had no trust in me whatsoever. Just like the previous week I decided that I didn't care about the potential consequences of being caught and whatever came with that and decided to run back outside and ask Jude to spend a few nights with me.

Reaching the still waiting car in my driveway I poked me head through Jude's rolled down window. "He's gone for work," then leaning in slightly so only Jude could hear me I whispered, "Stay the night with me?"

Jude perked up at the proposition and quickly nodded his head without having to think about it.

"Brandon will you tell moms that I won't be home tonight and that I'm staying over at Jude's?"

Both of Jude's siblings that were in the car looked to each other in slight confusion and I could see the hesitancy in their eyes.

"Ummm, Jude shouldn't you ask moms and not have me just tell them." Said Brandon, the guilt evident in is voice.

Jude's face shifted for a moment and then he looked down at his lap, I could tell he was debating what he should do in that pretty little head of his. Eventually the brown haired boy looked up at me and shot me a slight smile.

"If they really want to then they can come and drag me from Connor's house, but I really want to spend the night. I'll deal with whatever punishment tomorrow. "Still not looking entirely convinced Jude added, "And if they ask you can say that I just ran into the house and refused to come out."

The two older siblings shared another hesitant glance before nodding and agreeing to Jude's statement. Jude hopped out of the car and followed me into the house. Inside I screamed with excitement. I didn't even care about the amount of sneaking around I did with Jude, it almost made things more intense and fun.

As soon as we were both safely inside my home I grabbed Jude and pulled him up the stairs and, once in my room, went straight for the bed where we both fell and started laughing slightly before staring into each other's eyes. I could tell that Jude was happy by the features of his face. The way his eyes squinted as he let his bright smile light the room, the way he didn't break eye contact for what felt like hours, and the way his whole face looked at peace with the world. In this moment I could say that I felt the exact same way, totally at peace and happiness warming my chest. I still found it hard to believe that just being in somebody's presence could change all the emotions I had been dealing with inside. Little moments like this, staring into the boy I loved eye's, were the reason I woke up in the morning, the things that kept me going in life.

Breaking eye contact to pull me into a hug Jude whispered softly in my ear, "Con, be completely honest with me, how are you doing? Is it getting better?"

Jude's concern for my health made me want to squeeze him forever and never let go. How on Earth did I get so lucky? Instead of responding to Jude's question I simply smiled into my boyfriend's neck hugging him tighter. My actions seemed to be enough of an answer for Jude, him communicating back with no words.

The night continued perfectly fine, Jude and I preparing what we believed to be five star meal, complete with flour covering the kitchen floor and our faces. Our homemade pizza was enough to satisfy the both of us through a movie, making out, and of course cuddling. By one in the morning both Jude and I were exhausted from our hard, yet rewarding day of marching band.

"Judicorn we should go to bed." I said sheepishly to a nearly asleep Jude on my chest.

The only response I got from the slightly smaller boy was a hum of approval and open arms that faced up to me.

I chuckled at Jude's actions and said more to myself than to the sleeping boy, "You're lucky that I'm fairly strong Judicorn."

I lifted Jude up from the couch and carefully carried him up the stairs bridal style, all while trying my best to resist the urge to kiss his beautiful face constantly. Once I had safely placed Jude in my bed I looked at my phone, just to make sure that my dad hadn't text me a surprise of an earlier return time. I concluded after a quick glance at all of my messages that he either wasn't going to give a notice or I was safe for now. I pulled back the covers and placed myself as close to the sleeping boy already occupying the bed as possible, snuggling up to him as if my life depended on it. Several minutes passed before I concluded that I just wasn't close enough to Jude and placed my arm around his shoulders so that I was spooning him. After cuddling closer to my boyfriend, and feeling even safer than before I felt myself begin slipping into insomnia.

. . .

I woke up to sound of my door being thrust open and a growl like noise coming from somebody who was right near the bed. As cliché as it sounds, just like all of the movies, time seemed to pass without my brain processing it. I was on the ground without registering a single thing. I felt a shoe collide with my side and heard the slight crunch of bones as it happened. Once that pain had reached its full climax I felt two ice cold hands tighten around my throat. It was when my head started feeling light that I realized the situation at hand, I also registered the fading screams of a teenager.

As I tried to turn my head and get a glimpse of Jude, my only worry being his safety, I felt my vision start to blur and my consciousness begin to fade. The only thing running through my mind was thoughts of Jude. I knew there was no possible way I was going to live through this, and for some odd reason I was okay with that. Of course I had been getting better, but there were still times I felt like complete shit. Maybe this would be easier, that is as long as Jude was okay, he didn't deserve to be hurt by my father, only I did. When I assumed that the white knuckles around my throat couldn't get any tighter I was wrong. For the last time the hands tightened and my final thought was...

This is just the way it goes

Maybe I'll die young before I'm old.

. . .

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If this gets four comments within the next 24 hours I'll post the next chapter as soon as it does...

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