Chapter 20

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 This update kinda sucks but it's 2 am and I'm too lazy to fix it so sorry.  Song for this chapter is White Blood by Oh Wonder. 

The rain trickling down the window pane caught my attention as I glanced around the room. I had been waiting for Jude to finish talking to his moms for nearly half an hour now. Jude had taken nearly an hour in that confining costume closet to convince me that telling his moms was the best option I had, really the only option I had. I don't know how I could have been lucky enough to meet Jude, what stars had to have aligned for me to meet such a perfect human being. From the corner of his eyes that scrunched together when he laughed to his soft, long fingers that always seemed to fold in the most bizarre ways, I loved him. Jude was the eye of the storm that was my life, always bringing peace and tranquillity in a life filled with nothing but bombs. I thought back to a time where two streets didn't intersect and what a bland and boring time that was. Jude was the fireworks in a clear summer sky, his eyes like the sparkles that fascinated many.

"Does the rain not make you sad?" Asked an amused voice from the frame of the door.

Looking up from the small puddle I had become entranced with while my mind ran I smiled at the figure in the doorway. The grin that stretched across my own cheeks seemed to spread to the boy standing across from me. Thinking more deeply I realized that our emotions really were attached to a long string, pulling one would only stretch out the other's.

"Not really." I paused before adding, "I wanna go dance outside Jude. Would you like to dance with me?"

Jude was slightly taken aback by my words at first before the light sparkled in his eyes. That light, even if it was just a flicker made a smile that couldn't possibly seem to get any bigger grow even further.

"I would love to dance with you in the rain." Jude responded with the charm of a true gentlemen.

Standing up from my place on the couch I removed my phone from my pocket, as well as Jude's from his, and then grabbed my lover lightly by the waist to pull him outside to the cool fall drizzle. Once we had reached the crisp air I felt Jude push himself further into my body, looking for warmth. I tightened my grip on the smaller boy and nuzzled my head into the top of his head where I placed a quiet kiss. Suddenly out of nowhere Jude removed himself from my side and took a step out into the water pouring from the sky.

"May I have this dance Mr. Stevens?" Jude said while using the most proper voice he could muster and displaying his hand out to me as well.

I giggled at the gesture but accepted nonetheless and enclosed our hands, longing for some kind of warmth to soothe my chills from the rain. We returned to our earlier position with my hands attached to Jude's hips, but this time I felt two small hands clasped around my neck. Swaying back and forth to music we found within ourselves, I felt at peace, not a care in the world except for the one in my arms. Before long I could tell that Jude was growing everly colder and I nudged closer to him so that his face was easily resting in my neck. Still swaying to a silent rhythm, I felt warm lips pressed against the tender spot of my neck. God how could one person be so perfect. Jude's delicate lips seemed to almost ghost over my skin, a promise that this wasn't over, a reminder of everything we've had.

"You don't have to do this alone Connor."

"I know that now." I leant down to catch the brown-eyed boys lips with my own. "Thank you Jude."

While the cold chilled me to the bone there was something about it that seemed to awaken nerves I didn't even know existed. The rain was like a bath washing all the of the past months away; the pain, the abuse, the emotions, the emptiness. This was a fresh start and it made me happier than I could actually fathom. I was ready for whatever struggles were to come next, whatever fight my dad put up was something that I could handle. I was ready to climb this mountain whether I ended up falling back down or reaching the peak, as long as Jude is by my side.

Rhythm of Music: JonnorWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt