Chapter 2

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This chapter is fairly short, and is mostly Connor's thoughts, but I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting as well. Bolded stuff is texts. So far I'm thinking that everything is going to be from Connor's perspective, but I may add a chapter from Jude's perspective so I will keep letting you know. Once again I don't own any of the characters.

Connor's POV

It was nearly midnight the following Thursday as I lay in bed listening to music through earbuds. As soon as I had come home from school I had started my homework hoping to find any distraction I could. Ever since I had received Jude's phone number I had debated with myself weather or not I should follow through with texting him. I had to admit that I was petrified of Jude rejecting me, and that I would find myself heartbroken, but that wasn't even the problem at hand. No matter how hard I tried to work up the nerve to text Jude my fingers couldn't seem to, possibly type out the message that needed to be sent.

After nearly three hours of lying on my bed and internally debating I decided that I was a hopeless cause and started to get ready to go to sleep. I went to my bathroom and grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste from the counter and began scrubbing at my teeth in circles, still listening to music. Just as I was about to discard the paste from my mouth one of my favorite songs quietly entered my ears. Listening to the lyrics for what seemed to be the first time, the poetic rhymes seemed to give me whatever courage I needed to text Jude.

I hurriedly spit out my toothpaste, rinsing out my mouth all the while holding on to the words of the song for dear life. Nearly running to my phone I almost tripped over what seemed to be a discarded plaid flannel on the floor. After a split second of sheer fear of falling, I caught my balance and began roughly throwing my blankets around on my bed searching for my phone. Finding it under one of my pillows I grasped the phone in my hands, trying for the life of me to remember my passcode. How could this be happening, it was the same four numbers that I had been using as my passcode for eight months. Just as I was about to throw my phone across the room in frustration I recalled the numbers of my birthday. Once I had access to my phone I asked myself, why was I in such a hurry to get into my phone, when I didn't even know what to say to the beautiful brown eyed boy of my dreams.

I slowly inched my fingers along the glass screen, my body taking power over my brain as I scrolled through my contacts until I came across Jude's. Opening the contact I saw the pads of my fingers do a little dance above the keyboard thinking about what I wanted to say. I became distracted as the end of the song that had gotten me this far, buzzed through my head. I had to do this and I had to do it now. Why was I so nervous? It was just a text wasn't it? Holding my breath, I let my fingertips glide across the keyboard.

Hey Jude, it's Connor

I sat down on my floor trying to calm my nerves, the nerves that I didn't understand why I had. I shouldn't be this anxious about asking a friend if he just wanted to hangout sometime. I stared at a blank wall waiting for a response from Jude when I realized that the reason I had put so much stress on texting, or even talking to Jude was because I had never wanted to get to know somebody as much as I wanted to know Jude. I really, really liked Jude, more than I had thought. With this new realization, another thought came to me. Why would Jude text me back at midnight? I was sure he was in bed. I started to get up and get into bed when my phone let out a small buzz.

Oh hey Connor, surprised you're still up

A small smile began to spread across my face at the thought of Jude sitting in his bed, the light of his phone illuminating his face. I quickly responded to the text.

I didn't even know it was this late

Me neither, I was studying

Yeah me too, so I was wondering if you wanted to like maybe hang out after the football game tomorrow

I couldn't believe I had finally done it, after what felt like forever of stressing over a simple text, I had finally asked Jude to hang out.

What would we do?

My stomach fluttered, what did this mean? He didn't seem very excited, but maybe I was just reading too much into it. Maybe it was just a simple question.

Idk, maybe we could go to the movies. Have you seen the Avengers yet?

No actually, we could go do that after I guess. My mom can take us.

Okay that sounds good. I better get to bed, but talk to you tomorrow


Despite the fact that it was nearly twelve-thirty at night I wanted to go dance outside, singing about what great news this was. I could barely make myself wait for tomorrow night to come, the thought of sitting through all of my painful classes and the walk home without seeing Jude made me want to cry. I never really thought that something like this, or more like someone, could make me so happy.

Even though I could have gone the whole night without sleeping, due to my excitement, I decided that I should probably go to bed so that I was well rested for my "date" tomorrow, even if I was the only one to know it. Climbing into bed and pulling the thick blankets on top of me, I tried to calm myself so that I could get to sleep, but soon found that it was going to be harder than expected. I lay in bed imagining a million situations and fantasies of tomorrow night, none of which were likely to happen. I let my mind wander to thoughts of Jude and I standing so close that only inches distanced us apart, and while standing next to him peering into his eyes. This whole scene coming just before I leaned down to kiss his beautiful, soft lips. The last thoughts I had before falling into a deep, much needed, sleep were of Jude looking utterly perfect, next to me in the movie theater on our flawless, first date.

I'm thinking of updating weekly from now on, but if I do it will probably be Wednesdays or Thursdays. Thanks for reading and please follow and review.

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