Chapter 3

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So I have had a super busy week this week with band camp and just now realized that I never updated on Thursday so sorry for that but better late than never I guess. This chapter turned out to be a little bit longer than I intended but that's okay. Once again I do not own anything.

Connor's POV

The next day at school I sat in class grueling over math homework that seemed to be endless. I was pretty certain the teacher had noticed my constant glances up at the clock, and my not so-sneaky glances at my phone. I had to admit I wasn't only excited about my date with Jude, I was also excited about my second marching show of the season. This would be the first time we would be marching the full show at half time and I was pumped. During the first week of band camp over the summer I remember thinking that the scorching sun could not possibly be worth whatever the prize was, but now I saw that I was wrong. Concluding that I wasn't going to get any of my homework done in class I took out my flipbook with my pepband music and proceeded to read through all of the notes, checking to make sure none of them had to be written in.

I didn't realize until the bell rang that I had done an adequate job of distracting myself for the remainder of class. As soon as the bell rung I frantically threw my books into my backpack and made a beeline for the door. It was essential that I walked down the hall towards my locker exactly thirty seconds after the bell sounded. If I was late making my way to my locker then I wouldn't get to see Jude walking the other way towards his next class. It may have sounded crazy but it was the small moments of getting to see Jude in the hall that made school worth it.

I was almost to the spot where our paths crossed, and had begun to think that I had missed him, when I felt a thud at my shoulder and noticed that I had ran straight into the smaller, brown-eyed boy. In my rush to find the beautiful ninth grader, I had completely embarrassed myself by running straight into him.

"Oh, I'm so... so sorry Jude," I stuttered.

Looking down for a response I noticed that Jude looked ever so slightly annoyed at the situation. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

In between the words that Jude spoke so softly I tried as hard as I could to read his facial expression. It only took me a minute to realize that I hadn't the slightest idea what Jude was thinking about the encounter. Jude was a fairly shy person, maybe he was embarrassed about the few people who had turned their heads at the clumber. Leaning forward I picked up the couple of things that Jude had dropped. As I scanned the floor looking for anything I had missed I noticed Jude's neon green tennis shoes and couldn't help but think about how deep I was into this, I recognized my crush by his shoes..

I handed Jude's books back to him, our hands barley brushing as I did so. Just as our hands connected I felt something in my stomach squeal, I looked up at Jude and noticed the dark crimson color that soaked into his face.

"Thanks," he said nervously. "I guess I'll ummm see you tonight at the game."

It took me a minute to respond after Jude's statement. Realizing I should say something in return, I spoke in the smoothest tone I could muster, "Yeah cool, and then the movie after right?"

"Right," Jude dragged out.

It was with the last word that I realized, Jude wasn't embarrassed, of course not. Jude wasn't like that; he didn't care what anybody thought about him. Jude was so mad at me that his face had turned red with anger. I hated the fact that it felt like I was pushing him into a friendship, but I couldn't stop, I liked him way too much. Shaking myself from my thoughts, I realized that the one minute bell had rung and if I didn't want to be late I had better stop stressing over a boy that doesn't even like me.

Rhythm of Music: JonnorWhere stories live. Discover now