Chapter 7

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The beginning of this chapter is a little slow, but the end gets better. I don't own anything.

A whole week had passed since the Friday night when Jude and I kissed. Throughout the week I found myself texting Jude nearly every spare minute there was. At first our conversations were slightly awkward but it only took about two days until we were completely comfortable around each other. The only problem with my never ending contact with Jude was the fear of my Dad asking questions about why I was suddenly texting so much. My worries seemed to be proved senseless because, for once my dad's lack of involvement in my life paid off.

Jude and I were getting along better than I would have ever expected. I was interested but also saddened to learn that Jude had been in the foster system for most of his childhood. While in the system Jude had experienced many abusive homes, and others that treated him poorly for who he was. Just the thought of anybody abusing Jude in anyway at all made me want to hug the smaller boy and never let him go.

While Jude's earlier years did seem to be rough, he was now the son of two amazing moms, one of which was the principle at Anchor Beach, there were also four other siblings in the family, two of which were in band. Jude had spent hours telling about each of his siblings to make up in my lack of brothers and sisters. Jude told me of the oldest Brandon, the one I knew the most about. Not only was Brandon drum major of our high school band, he also played the trombone, along with the piano. The next family member I heard about was Callie who was Jude's only biological sibling, Jude explained to me that Callie was all he had for a long time and that he could count on her for anything. The last two siblings were Jesus and Mariana. Mariana was also in the band, being best known as the flute section leader. Of course I had heard of the sassy, but brilliant flute player and knew that Jude had two siblings in the band, yet I never knew it was Mariana. The last brother was simply summed up by Jude as his slightly grumpy roommate, who doubled as an older brother.

When we weren't talking about Jude's family we talked about our interests and quickly found that even though we are quite different we still seemed to connect really well. Also on the topic of conversation were things that we could do Saturday without getting too many questions from my father. After much late night discussion Friday night we decided that go karts and the arcade would be super fun for both of us.

. . .

It was Saturday night, and I patiently awaited the arrival of Jude's mom to come pick me up and take us on our secret date. I checked my phone, as I sat on my couch, starring out the window. I had told my dad that Jude was just a new friend, leaving the band part out of it knowing how he felt about marching band geeks. Around 7:05 I saw a SUV pull up in the driveway and shouted to my dad. "Jude's here Dad! See you later!"

"Bye!" I could hear him yell from his bedroom upstairs.

I practically ran to the car waiting outside, anxious but excited to get to spend some time with Jude outside of band. I opened one of the back doors and slid in across from my boyfriend. Once I was seated I looked over to Jude and found a wide smile spread across his face.

"Hi Connor, I'm Stef, Jude's mom, it's nice to finally meet you."

I looked away from the beautiful boy and saw a blonde woman sitting in the driver's seat. I smiled, "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Adams Foster. "

In the rearview mirror I could see the corners of her mouth pull up, something I was happy to see, so far Jude's family liked me.

After about a twenty minute drive we arrived at the arcade and go kart track. Getting out of the car Jude's mom gave him some money and told us she would see us at ten. Once the SUV pulled away Jude turned to me and reached out to grab my hand, I gladly accepted and reached for his hand in return.

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