Chapter 8

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So the song for this chapter is Midnight Moon by Oh Wonder. Also I did a really sucky job of explaining the random words in the texts so sorry, you can message me and I can try to explain it better. 

I crept down the stairs to the kitchen in search of some caffeine. I had to admit that it wasn't like me to stay up until 3 o'clock in the morning, but if Jude was still willing to text me then I surely wasn't going to bed. I was amazed how comfortable I was talking to Jude for hours on end. No matter what I said to Jude it never seemed to be the wrong thing, conversation with Jude was easy. Sometimes short one word responses were all that our text messages consisted of, but that was enough for both of us. Then of course there were other times were Jude or myself would ramble with what probably looked like full blown essays, either way Jude and I had been staying up to the early morning hours for the last two weekends since our date.

As I opened the fridge, scanning for a soda or some apple juice I heard a slight buzz from my phone.

Jude: Hey are you still there?

After reading the message a small frown appeared on my face until I realized that I hadn't hit send on my last message.

Connor: Yeah sorry guess I just forgot to hit send

Jude: Oh that's okay I was just afraid you finally got tired of me

A rush of something spread over me, did Jude really think I could ever get tired of him? Jude's last text started to make me slightly nervous, I don't think Jude really knows how much he means to me. Of course I had had good friends before Jude, but none of them were quite like Jude, I was willing to risk nearly anything for him. If Jude were to ask me to run away with him, half-way across the country I would do it in a heartbeat. This was just one thing that came to mind when I thought of the lengths I would go to for Jude, and I had to admit it scared me just a little bit. Maybe it was the 3 A.M. emotions talking, but the feelings I was having for Jude were something I had never even dreamt of feeling and I was slightly concerned that the emotion that spread through every fiber of my being might begin with a 'L'.

Connor: I don't think I could ever get tired of you

Jude: Really? Even I get tired of myself

I chuckled at Jude's last text, although I had to disagree about anybody ever getting tired of Jude I knew exactly what my boyfriend meant about getting tired of yourself, sometimes I just seemed to bore myself.

Retrieving a Dr. Pepper from the fridge I made my way back to my bedroom skipping a few of the creaky stairs on my way. Returning to my room I lay back in bed and pulled a giant, fluffy blanket over my legs.

Connor: I know what u mean

Jude: Yeah...

Unless something exciting was getting ready to happen in Jude's Netflix show he was watching I could tell that we were getting ready to enter a time of bland conversation where the most commonly used word would be "yeah".

Connor: Yup

Jude: Shoe...

I smiled at Jude's response. While texting each other so much we had developed a little bit of our own language, most of which translated to "yeah" just so we could spice up the conversation at least slightly. Both Jude and I had our own words that we used that the other never did, Jude's consisted of shoe, rainbow, and pancakes. My words consisted of baseball, plaid, and feather.

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