Yes- 22

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Alex's p.o.v.


No words from me all this week. Christina joined me for every meal at my room as the others went out to eat or had their own dinner at home. She told me stories and gave me advice. She even bought a notebook and markers for me to write to her. I loved how understanding she was. This mute thing may not last but she was supportive.

Today was the big party for Chrissy and Johnnie. Everyone has been setting up the place for this one night. The pink dress was in my closet waiting. I showered and did my makeup. My black hair made me a bit sad. It's not that I didn't like it but I felt normal. This is why I was sent to that school. To be normal. I wore makeup how girls had it instead of simple eyeliner and chapstick which is what I was used to.

My hair was curled and fell to my sides. The dress was the only bright thing on me. I walked out and saw everyone was ready. Chrissy would change at the place where it was being held.

"Let's get going!" Andrea yelled. I decided to go in Christina's car opposed to a limo where Chrissy was going along with her friends. There would be a dance that I had practiced alone. Groups of people started scaring me. I stayed closed to Christina when we were forced to go out.

"I still don't understand the need of all this money wasted for one night," she sighed. I nodded in agreement. We got there after everyone else and got out.


People came in and my anxiety was kicking in. I felt like I was going to mess up the dance. I ran out and tried to get some air. Someone came out and rubbed my back.

"It's going to be ok Alex," I turned and saw Johnnie. This was the first thing he said to me since I got back. We heard the others being announced and I made sure I was ready. "Don't worry," we got to our positions as we were announced. Breathe, and remember your steps. That's key.

The music started and I took the first step. When I was hand in hand with Johnnie I was fine. Figuring out my own steps was a bit nerve wracking. The song finished and I looked up. People obviously staring and some clapping. I rushed off to the seat I was in originally.

Crissy sat next to me and just had a small moment staring at me. My face felt red and I avoided eye contact with her. "You can't sit here all alone, c'mon," she stood up and gave me a hand. I got up and walked with her over to a chair where the others were sitting.

They had their conversation for a while and then got up to dance and socialize. The only two left at the table were Johnnie and I.

My eyes scanned around the place and I saw Nick dancing. The more they moved, the more I saw who he was dancing with. It was a guy and they were both smiling. Nicks cheeks were pink and I figured it out.

After more long hours everyone left. We stayed back to help out with cleaning. Once the place looked clean enough and everyone was tired, they got in their cars. Johnnie pulled me back from getting in Christina's car and told her something. Everyone drove off and that let me and Johnnie alone.

I was so confused now. Music played and he walked over to me. Both hands on my waist and I figured it out. He wanted a dance. I put my hands on his shoulders and we began slowly swaying.

"After everything that has happened, I have still managed to be in love with you. You didn't deserve all of this crap. Alex, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I was taken by surprise. Words felt stuck in my throat and I stared into his eyes for a few seconds. It seemed forever until I finally nodded and kiss him.

"I love you too," My face was left with a goofy smile. The fact that I spoke took him by surprise.

"Are you back to speaking? Everyone knows how bad they messed up. Even if you aren't, thank you for speaking to me. I don't know what I would have done if you were gone," Tears formed around his eyes but I kept a tight hug on Johnnie. How could I have hurt him? No, how could I have thought about hurting myself? 

"I'm back. I just didn't want to hurt you but I wasn't thinking about myself and I realized, leaving you and the rest was what was going to hurt me. Thank you for being so amazing after everything that happened," I looked up and he cupped my cheek. There was a glimpse of hope. I had him now. This was all I ever wanted to start with.

"I feel in love with you and no one could tell me otherwise. Mistakes are normal but you're here now. All I wanted is you to be happy whether it was with me or someone else," I got on my toes and kissed him. 

"We should get going," I said. He held my hand and we went to his car. The ride was peaceful. No conversation but it was a beautiful silence.

"Thank you again, Alex," I blushed and we went to the front door. He opened the door and I felt a bit nervous. 

They were all sitting on the couch with a movie playing. A looked at Johnnie and he gave me a small smile. I slowly walked over to the couch and they all looked at me.

"I love you all so much," I felt a tear roll down my cheek and mom stood up.

"Baby, you're here now. We are all regretful of the way things unfolded. I am especially sorry. After all these years I finally got you back and I was selfish thinking about myself and not you. I love you so much and I promise things will only get better from here," Her voice was smooth and I could tell she was being sincere. 

"I'm sorry too. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten mad at you especially when you did save me from that thing. Trust me when I say no way am I going to keep hanging out with those snobs," Chrissy gave a small chuckle. I hugged her as well and just kept her in my arms. Gosh, if she decided to make these same mistakes I made I wouldn't know what to do.

"I get it, I should've have told you all before it got this bad or if I could, I would have never started it. I'm here now and thankful for everything I have. If you don't mind, I'm quite tired and would like to sleep," I excused myself. The stairs creaked behind me and Nick came into the room.

"I am so sorry Alex. I wish I never had ignored you that night. It's my fault that I didn't pay attention to you. Honestly, I don't know why I was mad. People were talking about you and when I found out what had happened I didn't want to believe it. You're not one to get involved with someone only for sex so I was angry that you never even told me and lied. My mistakes were worse. When I saw you on the floor lying with pills everywhere," tears fell from his eyes and I could tell how hurt he was. He couldn't continue his sentence. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry. 

"It's ok Nick," I said softly.

"I thought you were gone. All our lives it was my job to protect you. You have been through so much and I knew that. Thinking, it was the fact that people were saying shit about you that hurt me. I only got mad at you for doing something that resulted in bad feedback. I love you so much Alex. I'm so sorry," now I was crying. 

"Nick, I understand. Thank you so much for always being there for me all these years. You're the best brother ever. Thankfully I failed at that attempt because if I was gone, I would regret leaving on such a bad note with everyone of you," I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"We should get sleep. I love you Lexie," he finally calmed down and I nodded.

"I love you too Nick, goodnight."


NEXT CHAPTER IS THE FINAL ONE! This was so emotional for me but I didn't want to end on a bad note. Hopefully you have all enjoyed this story and thank you so much for reading and voting and the support, It means so much just knowing that some story I came up with is being viewed and that people like it

Get To You (Johlex Fanfic) *Complete*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon