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Alex's p.o.v.

I slowly opened my eyes scared of what I could see. I was released and there Nick was punching Dave. Words couldn't form so I ran upstairs scared..

"What are you doing? Stop!" I heard Maria yell. I locked myself in my room and sat against the door. I was scared. Nick never layed a hand on Dave. On anyone in general. He was drunk. They both were.  Drunk out of their minds. gWhen they woke up they would remember and then things are going to get worse.

I heard yelling from downstairs. It was Nick. I got up and ran downstairs. He was getting handcuffed.

"No! What's going on?" I asked looking at Maria that was just crying in a chair. "Do something!" I yelled looking at Nick. It hurt seeing him like this.

"I called them. Alex, there's nothing I can do. He injured your father and he's drunk!" Maria said. I scoffed. How could she take my father's side? I turned to the officers and pointed at my unconscious father.

"Before taking Nick to jail, you should know more," This interested them and they sat on the couch with a pen and notepad in hand.

"Like?" Maria gave me a stern look but I ignored it.

I told them all about the abuse mental and physical. Nick even told them his own horrible story.

"Have you guys been in contact with your birth mom at all?" A police officer asked.

"My father told me she was dead 8 years ago. He put her in the hospital," I said upset.

"Has it ever been confirmed by a doctor or the hospital?" he asked. Maria looked up and gave him a confused look. I did the same.

"What are you trying to say sir?" Maria asked clearly annoyed.

"The birth mother is Andrea Dorame right?" he asked. I nodded and he sighed. "She isn't dead. In fact she lives near here I think but it seems that your father won custody of you and your brother," he explained. I was in shock. My mom. She was alive.

"Did you know this?" Maria asked Nick. He shook his head slowly. Dave kept this a secret from both of us. All three including Maria.

"Do you by chance have an address?" I asked the officer. He shook his head.

"I can try and search but I won't make any promises. If I do happen to find it, I'll call," he got up just as someone started groaning. I looked behind me and saw my father slowly getting up, holding his head.

"What's an officer doing here?" Dave got up and looked at the man.

"Goodbye Dave," I said. He looked confused until the officer handcuffed him.

"What's going on?" he asked struggling to get out of the officer's grip.

"Mr. Monroe, you're being arrested because of domestic abuse, child abuse, and rape," A woman officer explained as she un cuffed Nick. "You're free. Thank you two for informing us. Have a good day," she smiled and they took Dave away.

"How come you never told me all of that?" Maria asked Nick. He sighed and stood up.

"Even Alex didn't know. It was 6 years ago and I never planned on telling anyone. If I may, I would like to go to sleep. It's been a long day," he excused himself slowly going upstairs.

"I'm going too," I followed after him and walked into my room. I still didn't understand how Maria could have Nick arrested for my defense but never had Dave arrested for child abuse. I undressed and put on my moms shirt. She was alive. Lets just hope I can get an address. I lay back in my bed and my phone vibrated next to me. I picked it up and saw a message.

Goodnight Alex ~Ben

Goodnight Mr. Sykes ~Alex

 I smiled and set my phone down. Did Dave leaving mean freedom? I sure hope so.


A strange smell entered my nose. I stirred around and slowly opened my eyes. Was that the smell of food? The maids would've made it earlier if that was them. I got up and put shorts on. First, gotta check my phone. I got it from the nightstand and went downstairs.

This time Maria wasn't at the table. I walked in and saw her cooking. That was certainly new.

"Uh, what's going on?" I asked confused. She turned to me and smiled.

"What? I just thought I should start cooking for you guys," she shrugged and went back to making food. I shrugged and went back upstairs.

"What's the smell?" Nick asked rubbing his eyes.

"Maria's cooking," I shrugged and went inside my room. I grabbed a random pair of leggings and slipped them on. Back downstairs.

"Breakfast is ready," she set the food down and gave us drinks.

"No offence Maria but last time when we had no maid, you served us cereal for a week straight. How do you know how to cook?" Nick asked poking his pancakes.

"I had classes and Sylvia also taught me. I gave her the day off so I can see what it's like to do her job," she said. This no Dave thing might be good.

Good morning Alex ~Johnnie

Good morn- buzz

Good morning Alex ~Ben

Delete message to Johnnie.

Good morning Ben ~Alex

"No phones at the table honey," Maria startled me. I sighed and put it on my lap. I could feel it vibrate.

"I'm full," I said after eating half of the given food.

"Alright, put your plate away please," I got up and put the dishes away. I got my phone out and walked upstairs to my room.

Is it bad I'm already wanting to see you? ~Ben

It's because I'm so amazing so no. I would miss me too ~Alex

Amazing in so many ways ~Ben

Oh I know ~Alex

You know, my girlfriend isn't home and won't be for a week. Just to inform ~Ben

Thanks for informing me. I would also like to inform you that I'm free whenever ~Alex

I'll pick you up in 5 then, see you soon babe ~Ben

I'll be waiting ~Alex

He gave me a new feeling. New confidence and I love it. I took off my moms shirt and put on a flannel. It's gonna come off anyways.

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