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Alex's p.o.v.

"How was school?" Andrea asked us as we got home.

"Fine," we all replied.

"That was creepy, don't do that again,"  she giggled.

We all went upstairs to our rooms. I quickly got bored and went to the third floor. I headed to the music room and sat at the piano. The song that mom taught me came back to memory. This time, I had lyrics.

"Stop me
Say you wanna stop me
Say you wanna stop me now
But I'm leaving 
Yes I'm gonna leave you
Yes I'm gonna leave your life
If it's just 'sorry'
I don't want your sorry 
I don't want your sorry now
Is too late, you know
Is too late you know
Wasted time 

Do you wanna play for love?
Wanna play for love?
Do you wanna play for love?
Wanna play for love?

Your silence
Your silence 
Your silence...aaaah
Your silence
Your silence 

Wake me
Say you wanna wake me
Say you wanna wake my life
But I know you
Yes I wanna know you
Yes I wanna know your life
If is just teasing
I will be your teaser
I will be your teaser now

Is too late, you know
Is too late you know
Wasted time 

Do you wanna play for love?
Wanna play for love?
Do you wanna play for love?
Wanna play for love?

Your silence
Your silence 
Your silence aaaaa
Your silence
Your silence

Say, you wanna know me
You wanna know me
And try to let it out (X 4)
And try to let it out (x 2)"

I stopped and just stared at my fingers leaving the piano.

"You wrote lyrics to it?" I jumped and saw Vic standing at the doorway. I blushed and nodded.

"I just starting singing what felt right," I said.

"What's that song called?" He asked getting closer.

"Silence. Since its repeated quite a bit," I chuckled.

"I forgot how to play it even though I made it up," he chuckled pressing the beginning note.

"It's a beautiful piece," I complemented. "Mom taught me how to play it," I said pressing the second note.

"You fit right in with your lovely playing and singing," he said playing random notes. They all fit to make sense as a piece.

"Well thank you. I guess I just have it in my genes," I joked trying to play his piece.

"You have the best parents," he said helping me out.

"That, I can agree with," I said. Each note being pressed gave me relief.

"Well I'll leave you to play. Oh, don't be bothered by Chrissy. She's not that nice to say," he chuckled. The door closed again and I looked at the piano again. A grand white piano. It was so clean that it shined. The notes were clear.

"So you can play?" I jumped again and saw Christina.

"Everyone comes in and scares me oh my god. But yeah," I answered. She walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Go on," she said. I took a deep breath and began playing. The first word left my lips and I continued singing. I held the last note and stopped. "Well damn," she chuckled. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Singing came out on accident," I said a bit red in the face.

"A beautiful accident," she said.

"Get out," I looked up and saw chrissy walk in. I stood up and Christina grabbed my hand.

"Stay," she mouthed. I shook my head and left. I walked down and got stopped before I could walk into my room.

"Hey Alex," I turned and saw Johnnie standing outside his bedroom door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? Like, just us," he asked nervously.

"Sure, let me get dressed first," I said noting that I was still in half of my uniform. He nodded and I walked into my room. Nick has been spending a lot of time with Andrea and Vic. Maybe he missed mom more than I did. I walked out and knocked on Johnnies door. He immediately opened the door and smiled.

"Let's go," he walked out and we walked down.

"We'll be back later," Johnnie told Andrea.

"Don't be back too late," she replied.

We got to a small lonely park and we sat under a tree.

"Alex," he sat in front of me and looked at me. I sat up straight and looked at him.

"Yes?" I asked nervously. 

"I'm sorry about that night," he started. I bit my lip and shook my head. 

"It's fine," I said. He looked down and started picking at the grass.

"No, I shouldn't have went off on you. I understand that you don't like me in that way. I just wanted to apologize and tell you that I'm over you. It was a bad day and I wasn't thinking," he sighed. My mood darkened. He doesn't like me anymore? I did like him. A lot.

"It's ok Johnnie, really. I need to go to the restroom, I'll be back," I excused myself. I got up and ran to the nearest restroom. I locked myself in a stall and fell. I leaned against a wall and cried. How stupid could I be? I took my phone out and stared at the number.

We're done. Nothing more than you being my teacher. ~Alex

"Hello?" A knock came on the stall. I stood up and cleared my tears. They had heard me crying. I unlocked the door and saw met with a pair of blue eyes. The girl had half black and half green short hair. She was slightly shorter than me too. "Are you ok?" she asked looking at me. I avoided eye contact and nodded.

"Yeah. Perfectly," my voice cracked and I began crying again. She led me out of the tiny stall and sat me against a wall. She sat along with me and let me cry on her shoulders.

"What happened?" she asked. I calmed down a bit and began explaining. She was just a stranger but I told her everything from start to finish.

"You're not a bad person. Now that you ended it with your teacher, I say go for it. Nothing can hold you back from being something with Johnnie. If he really likes you like you say then chances are that he was lying and thought that saying he was over you would make you feel better," she explain. I sat up and nodded.

"Thank you so much," I smiled and hugged her. She got up and helped me up.

"Now, you have a guy to get," she giggled. I laughed and left. I didn't get her name. Hopefully I would run into her sometime soon. I saw Johnnie back where we were. I ran over and sat in front of him.

"Are you ok?" he asked me. 

"Yeah, lets go home. It's getting cold," I said. He gave me a soft smile and we walked back.


Hi! Hopefully you're enjoying this story! The mystery girl isn't much of a mystery because of her hair but I wanted to show a bit of another person that you all may know. Anyways, the votes are really appreciated! The updating schedule seems so long but I try my best to keep it a good pace of updating. So I hope you all have an amazing day!

Also, the song linked is the original of the lyrics and it's an amazing song so give it a listen if you want.

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