First day-1

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Small note!
When I first wrote this, it wasn't supposed to be a Johlex fanfic but I thought of them so why not. Nothing here is 100% or really near accurate as it was a random story. The storyline is not related to their true lives except for very little of the story. Other than that please enjoy.

Alex's p.o.v.

"Wake up!" A deep voice yelled as I was pushed. I groaned and sat up. It was my dad. "First day at a new school and you still make me late for work!" he yelled and slammed the door on his way out. My eyes wandered around and saw my phone on my bedside table. I checked my phone and saw the alarm wasn't on. Lazily, I stood up and stretched. I walked to my closet and got my uniform out. I don't see why skirts are mandatory for girls at this school. I applied some makeup, brushed out my hair, and went down to the living room. Each step was me dreading school.

"I'm ready," I told my dad as I stepped on the carpet of downstairs. He rolled his eyes and my brother got up from his seat. Of course he was all ready and had time to eat. I would just have to go on an empty stomach.

"Why can't you be more prepared like your brother?" he asked. This is becoming a routine. I ignored him and we walked out to his car. Little did he know that my brother was either selling drugs or drunk when my dad doesn't see. The car was silent and we arrived at school awhile later.

I had never been around the school so I was guaranteed to get lost at least once. My brother immediately left my side and I was outside looking at the building in front of me. It was a big school building. Make that, get lost twice. I just hope I don't get killed.

Everyone seemed so normal. I had my hair dyed blue and I had visible piercings. My dad hated them so he probably thinks being here will help me.

I finally walked in and looked at people around me. Carbon copies of each other. I saw a girl head towards me. Her brown curls flowing over her shoulders perfectly, her top showing cleavage, her high heels stomping on the floor. Before I realized it, she was standing in front of me with her snobby look. Oh, this will be fun.

"You're new here aren't you?" She asked. Her voice was very high pitched I flinched. I was going to hate her. I nodded and she giggled. "Obviously. Let's just make sure you do know not to get in our way." her friends behind her laughed. I haven't even noticed them before that. This felt like a movie and her friends were extras just there to laugh.

"Oh, so you're that bitch that thinks she owns this school and you're probably head cheerleader and your boyfriend is a football player," I said like if everything clicked.

"Listen freak, just stay out of my way," she said getting close to me.

"Leave her alone Basica," I looked at the girl behind her and saw a girl with bleach blonde hair.

"Whatever lesbian," the bitch said and walked away. The only noise left was the click of her heels. I noticed that all this time I was in a corner. I straightened up and fixed my uniform.

"Thanks," I said smiling at the girl.

"No problem, I'm Gabby," she smiled. Perfectly white teeth lined up straight to form a beautiful smile.

"I'm Alex, obviously new," I smiled. She giggled and nodded.

"Here, I'll introduce you to my friends," she grabbed my hand and lead me to the cafeteria. It was full of more people. We got to a table of 3 other people sitting and talking. "Guys this is Alex and she's new," Gabby introduced me. They all looked up. I did a small awkward wave and they smiled.

"This is Jessie, my girlfriend, Johnnie, and Cody," Gabby pointed to the people.

"So what class do you have now?" Cody asked.

"Um, English," I answered.

"Oh, none of us have that right now," Jessie said.

"Well I'm going to try to find my class," I excused myself. I said bye and left. First I gotta go to the restroom. The halls were crowded with people laughing and talking. I could barely make my way through but luckily I was small enough to fit through small spaces.

In all, It took me awhile to find the restroom and my class but I at least got there. I opened the door and all eyes were on me. My face got red and the class fell silent. The teacher stopped teaching and focused on me. Well I wouldn't mind this class much with him as a teacher. A student coughed and me and the teacher came back to reality.

"Oh, I'm Alex, I'm new here," I said to the teacher. He looked at a paper on his desk and nodded.

"I'm Mr. Sykes, have a seat Alex," he smiled. I nodded and sat in the far back corner. He began talking again and I was just lost by looking at the students in this class. No one I think I would get along with.

"Alex, stay a bit after the bell," the teacher said while students were already packing up. I got my bag and the bell rang. I waited till everyone in front of me left and I walked towards the teachers desk.

"What's up?" I asked. He looked up from his glasses and gave me a small smile.

"I was just thinking there should be a day when you could come in after school so I can help you catch up with work in this class since you did come in while we're in a weird unit," he said while standing up. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll have to go over it with my parents and see when but I'll tell you when I can stay," I said. Lets just hope my dad lets me. Mr. Sykes smiled and nodded.

"Great, so i'll see you tomorrow," he said. I nodded and smiled back. I walked out of class and looked around. Now, where do I find the second class? I looked at my schedule and just headed to where I felt like. I really think I should've gotten a look around the school so I wouldn't be lost.


Updates will be every Monday and Friday and I am making sure that I do post on on those days. I hope you liked it and like before, This wasn't a Johlex fic to start. Nothing is accurate. I hope you liked this first chapter! Bye!

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