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Alex's p.o.v.

"Ready?" Gabby asked. I nodded in response and we went downstairs

"Be careful," Maria said. I said bye and we went out.

"I still don't see why I have to go," I complained to Gabby. She began driving out of the driveway.

"Because you're my best friend and you love me, duh" she replied.

"It's a little kid's party, so I understand why you would need my beautiful presence with you," I joked flipping my hair.

We parked infront of a house and we all got out. Her little brother hoped out of the car and impatiently waited for us.
I could hear noise coming from the back yard. The door opened and I was shocked to see Mr. Sykes. I thought he didn't have a kid. Maybe it wasn't his. Hopefully.

"Hi, come on in. Ryan's in the back," he told Tony. We walked in and Tony ran to the back.

"I'll meet with you in a bit," I told Gabby. She nodded and I was left with my teacher. "I didn't expect to see you here," I smiled.

"Same to you. He's my nephew by the way in case you didn't know," he said handing me some water.

"I was almost scared you had a kid," I joked. My mind was sick. I didn't mind that he was in a relationship. If he had a kid then that was different. We would've never gotten that far if he had a family. Hell,nothing would've happened

"I'm only 24, not ready to have small kids running around," he chuckled.

"Did your girlfriend find out?" I asked curiously.

"No, she had her guesses but we're fine," he said. I nodded and grabbed another water bottle.

"Well, we're gonna have to finish," I winked and walked out. I sat next to Gabby and gave her water.

"What did you guys talk about?" Gabby asked taking a drink.

"Not much. Just said hi," I shrugged.

"Hi with a kiss," she joked. I spit my water out and choke. My foot kicked her from underneath the table.

"No! Where'd you get that idea?" She laughed and shook her head.

"It was a joke since everyone thinks he's super hot. Even I think he is pretty damn attractive," she admitted.

"Well thanks to your joke, my jeans are wet," I said looking at them.

"You're welcome babe," she said and looked around. I felt out of place here. But I wasn't going to leave her alone watching Tony.


It was getting late but we have only been here for 3 hours. Gabby left me a few minutes ago to go be social and my luck with water was terrible. My jeans were wet again as some kids that were running around made me spill it.

I got up and went inside. Mr. Sykes was in the kitchen and I walked in.

"You wouldn't have an idea of what to do with wet jeans would you?" I asked and he looked at them.

"Those kids are terrible," he laughed.

"Very," I agreed.

"C'mon," he led me to a bedrooom and closed the door.

"I still haven't learned your first name," I said randomly.

"It's Ben," he said while looking through some drawers. He picked up a pair of jeans and layed them on top of a chair. He locked the door and came closer to me.

"I thought nothing can go further?" I smirked.

"I'm not your teacher right now," he kissed me. I kissed back with no resistance. He pushed me on the bed and we started where we left off.

I made sure I didn't look like a mess before going back out. My wet jeans in hand and I went outside.

"Where have you been?" Gabby asked me. Did I take that long?

"How long was I gone?" I asked.

"20 minutes I think," she looked at her phone.

"Well, my jeans got wet so I went inside and asked someone for jeans. Then I changed and just wondered around the house," I shrugged like if it was nothing.

"Ok, well lets just wait for the cake then we can leave," she said. I nodded and we sat down. Ben came out a few minutes after me and went over to his girlfriend. The whole time here I didn't eat and it was starting to notice. My stomach growled and Gabby looked at me.

"I told you to eat," she frowned.

"I don't listen," she got up and got food. Suddenly cake was being cut and I was being antisocial by staying in my seat. She also went and got two plates of cake along with a third one of food.

"Eat up because we're not leaving until you finish at least half of it," she said setting the plate in front of me. At least she didn't put a ridiculous amount and expect me to finish. I began eating and quickly got full.

"That's enough," I pushed the plate away. She shrugged and began finishing my food. I giggled and shook my head.

"Let's get going," she said. Tony walked over to us all tired and we walked inside the house. I saw Ben and stopped.

"Let me go to the restroom real quick," I said loudly enough for Ben to hear me. Gabby found someone to talk to and I went into the restroom with the door slightly open. The door opened and he walked in. He closed the door and walked over to me.

"Leaving already?" he asked.

"You gonna miss me already?" I joked. He chuckled and hugged me.

"A little," he smirked. I playfully hit his arm and looked up at him.

"See you Monday Mr. Sykes," I gave him a quick kiss and walked out. "Now, lets go," I told Gabby.


I parked outside and got out. From outside the doorway I could hear yells. They're fighting again. Part of me wanted to stay outside but it was cold. I opened the door and walked in.

"Where the hell were you?" My dad asked me as I closed the door.

"With Gabby at some little kids birthday party. I told you yesterday," I said.

"You smell like cologne," he said. I bit my lip and walked towards the stairs. "You're not going anywhere!" He yanked me by the hair and I let out a scream.

"Dave! Stop it!" Maria yelled. The door bust open and Nick walked in stumbling. He saw Dave with a chunk of my hair and heard me screaming. He lost it. 

Get To You (Johlex Fanfic) *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora